And Another One Bites The Dust

deadlydasher said:
naw i take care of it make sre theirs no dust and its not to close to the wall so the vent can do its thing. Also i had it for liek 2 or 3 years now..and it never brole i doubt it will happen now
i take VERY good care of my stuff and my 360 still broke on me. you may have a good one but i wouldnt say its 100% safe. chances are it will break. i had mine VERY well ventalated and made sure the area was dust free all the time. plus it was kept in a cool spot
deadlydasher said:
I came back from school today to find a cool collectors edition my mom picked up at 9am. Then my mom hit me and said "you cant play games on the week" and i was like wat yea i cant even open it but i can open the game guide.

But no old consoles dont break i had mine since the year it came out and i have never seen the red real life..only on youtube.
I got a 25 lb. Sledgehammer that says otherwise, lol
Syntax said:
Well it seems another console has bitten the dust. My second xbox 360, which is my brothers, has recently come down with the "three red lights of death". This is the second xbox that this has happened to. About three to four weeks ago I sent my console in to be fixed and have yet to receive a refurbished or new console. Now I must admit this is getting quite annoying. Anyways until I get my new Xbox 360 sent back I wont be on Xbox live or playing Halo 3.

DUDE! im so sorry for u, but on the same day of halo 3!!!!
god that suks!
My mom has somthing that if it breaks i can exchange it in for a new one..i forgot what its called but she bought it for my 360 when we firt got it.
bigwilliiy said:
So if i buy a 360 now. will it be ok and be immune to the red rings of death?
you never one knows if the newer consoles get the red hasnt been 2 or 3 years yet..only time will tell but it will guarantee you a while until it may happen lol
if it happens ill get a gun and shoot the guy that sold me it....i cant be bothered walking all the way to america.

(ps. getting 360 in a couple of days)