An "Elder scrolls 5: Skyrim" port to the Wii U?


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Jan 6, 2011
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An Elder scrolls 5: Skyrim port to the Wii U?

I know this is somewhat old news, but I still need to post about it. Pete Hines announced that there's a "definitely possibility" Elder scrolls 5: Skyrim will be ported to the Wii U. If this does happen then would any of you consider to purchase it? Honestly, I'm hoping that it will be ported, because it would be the first Elder scrolls installment on a Nintendo platform.
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For the sake of mankind. Please, no. I might go ball up in my isolation room and cry if this goes through.
Why? It's not as if it would be downgraded, because the port would be running on better hardware. Do you seriously believe they would go through all that trouble downgrading the game? I hope you're not, because they wouldn't go through the trouble of porting it if the Wii U's hardware couldn't handle it. Its hardware is actually stronger than the Ps3's and Xbox360's.
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It's the simple fact that I hate Skyrim. It's one of the most overrated series of all time.
Well, I've always respected opinions, but nothing's overrated as much as the Call of duty series. At least there isn't an Elder scrolls installment every blasted two years like Call of duty.
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Meh, I couldn't care less since I've already got it for the 360. The tablet would be awesome for inventory and quickly gettin' out your weapons/spells/customized equipment lightning quick, but Up on the D-pad (for the consoles) is quick enough as is, and they'd most likely have to tone down the beautiful graphics of the game quite a bit. I've also yet to hold a WiiU controller, but if it's not as comfortable as a 360/PS3 controller because of it's weight or shape, it's not the kind of controller for a game like Skyrim.

And what if the WiiU remains incapable of allowing patch downloads for games/programs besides firmware like the Wii? Bethesda can and will **** up when they're re-writing everythin' to Nintendo's programing and the like, and unfixable glitches might be the result. If this will be the case, that reason alone should keep Skyrim off the WiiU.

Basically, I'm fine with Bethesda hookin' up with Ninty, but I'm also very worried about technical issues, glitches, etc. So long as they can handle all of that easily and swiftly, it might not be a bad idea.

It's the simple fact that I hate Skyrim. It's one of the most overrated series of all time.

One of the most overrated games? No.

One of the most overrated series? You're clearly higher than the exosphere. Hopefully you die up there. Don't be such a damn hater bro.

nothing's overrated as much as the "Call of duty" series. At least there isn't an Elder scrolls installment every blasted two years like Call of duty.

I'm sure you'll find it ironic that RockerJ plays CoD, then? :lol: I certainly do.
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A port would seem late by today's standards and not really worth the trouble.

It seems that the new generation of gamers found Skyrim and was introduced to RPG's for the first time. That's my explanation for all the horrific "arrow to the knee" trash and why it seems a bit overrated.
You may find it even more ironic that I don't play CoD anymore. No shooters really, I'm currently into YuGiOh and UMvC3. And Pokemon.

It may just be I'm a classic turn-based RPG fanboy, not this... whatever it is.
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Meh, I couldn't care less since I've already got it for the 360. The tablet would be awesome for inventory and quickly gettin' out your weapons/spells/customized equipment lightning quick, but Up on the D-pad (for the consoles) is quick enough as is, and they'd most likely have to tone down the beautiful graphics of the game quite a bit. I've also yet to hold a WiiU controller, but if it's not as comfortable as a 360/PS3 controller because of it's weight or shape, it's not the kind of controller for a game like Skyrim.And what if the WiiU remains incapable of allowing patch downloads for games/programs besides firmware like the Wii? Bethesda can and will **** up when they're re-writing everythin' to Nintendo's programing and the like, and unfixable glitches might be the result. If this will be the case, that reason alone should keep Skyrim off the WiiU.Basically, I'm fine with Bethesda hookin' up with Ninty, but I'm also very worried about technical issues, glitches, etc. So long as they can handle all of that easily and swiftly, it might not be a bad idea.One of the most overrated games? No_One of the most overrated series? You're clearly higher than the exosphere. Hopefully you die up there. Don't be such a damn hater bro.I'm sure you'll find it ironic that RockerJ plays CoD, then? :lol: I certainly do.
Don't fret the Wii U's firmware will allow such updates, because the Wii simply does updates on certain games as well. They're not taking a step back, but taking a step forward in technology. The Wii U's hardware is more advance than this generation, therefore the game itself will not be downgraded, nor toned down. As for the controller that depends on your opinion. :/
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You may find it even more ironic that I don't play CoD anymore.


the Wii simply does updates on certain games as well.

Uh... No?

Unless for some retarded reason Ninty refuses to do it, the Wii ain't capable of DLC, updates, etc. I highly doubt the WiiU will retain such a mistake, but you never know... ;_;
I wouldn't buy it if it came out for Wii-U. Why? Well I have it for the Ps3 (well had it) but sold back to GameStop for these reasons...

- It was an over-rated game
- it was the only game that made my Ps3 freeze (my ps3 isn't even old since its a slim nor over used)
- Skyrim was (maybe still is?) without a doubt a glitch fest
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The Wii is capable of online and disc updates, but not DLC. Sorry for taking so long to reply.
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