Alternative to downloading games to Wii?


WiiChat Member
Sep 19, 2010
Is there a way to download the virtual console games to a computer so that they can be burned to DVD and played on any Wii?

My problem is that I have dialup internet and it's too much of a hassle to take my Wii to someone else's house to download the games. It would be easier if I could just download the games to a computer and burn the games to DVD. I have the games I'm looking for on NES and SNES, but I wanted to get them for Wii for my mom to play for Christmas.
your not suppose to talk about burning wii games and playing them you have to buy them at a store.

and to play them you can download the wii shop channel and use wii points form the store. :)
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were that possible, nintendo would be out of money. putting your wii online isn't as difficult as you might think... it might accept the old dial-up...
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your not suppose to talk about burning wii games and playing them you have to buy them at a store.

You just assumed I wanted to download them illegally? I want to be able to download them legally to a computer and burn them to DVD. I didn't know if there was a legal way to do that.

And, because I have to protect my Wii and all the wires from my crazy pets, it is difficult to disconnect it and take it to someone else's house.

I don't understand why Nintendo doesn't offer the games on a disc. They could just burn them or press them as the customers request them.
Its to much hassle.
Some of the games are out on discs (See my alternative to Virtual Console thread)

Nintendo can make more money off them by making them download only
your not suppose to talk about burning wii games and playing them you have to buy them at a store.

You just assumed I wanted to download them illegally? I want to be able to download them legally to a computer and burn them to DVD. I didn't know if there was a legal way to do that.

And, because I have to protect my Wii and all the wires from my crazy pets, it is difficult to disconnect it and take it to someone else's house.

I don't understand why Nintendo doesn't offer the games on a disc. They could just burn them or press them as the customers request them.

no, no, no, no don't worry about it you can if you want to, but i was trying to say is you can help Nintendo by getting points and buying the games or trying out demo's but no need to go off on me, I'm not trying to make you mad... ok? lolz XD
Yes, you can store your purchused VC/WiiWare games to CD/DVDs, External HDD/Flash Drives, or pretty much any Data Storage Device you want including backing them up to your computer itself.

Save your games to an SD card within the Wii, and then insert your Memory card to a PC (Mac not recommended). Your game files are within a folder called "Private". You want to copy this folder and copy it to your computer (But you can make a disc copy straight from the SD Card as well). Once copied to your computer, you can then burn it or store anywhere you like... Legally.
uh that's not what he meant. he means to download to the pc, then burn unto disc and play on the wii.
Goddammit, I misread the message.

No, but I bugged the company [Nintendo] about downloading it in different ways.

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