Downloading VC games to a SD card


WiiChat Member
Jan 23, 2007
Wii Online Code
I can get my games downloaded to my SD card but my Wii doesnt let me play them,am im doing something wrong.I downloaded the VC games off my Wii to a SD card, then took them to my brothers house to try and play them but it wouldnt let me download them to his wii or bring them up so I could play them.Can this be done.Can I download the games I have downloaded to my Wii and play them on anorther Wii.I thought I could as long as I put them on a SD card.I can play them some way as long as I do not download them.Come on guys help me out can I do this or not.Thanks in advance and appreciate all the help thanks.
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Is the setup to only allow the Wii console that downloaded the VC game the right to download and then reload the game afterwards.I mean to say is that the only Wii that can play the VC games you download is yours.So if I sell or trade my Wii I cant save the VC games I have to a SD card then copy them to my new Wii,just a question thanks.
So if I sell or trade my Wii I cant save the VC games I have to a SD card then copy them to my new Wii said:
Y would u sell ur wii just to buy a new wii? Anyway, I'm not sure, just guessing, I think u cant play em on a different wii, via sd card, because they dont won't u to take the games and upload them onto som1elses wii, Which is basicly them getting the game for free. If nintendo didn't make the vc games this way they'd be losing some money.
You can only Download or Play VC games on the Wii you originally Downloaded them. You CANNOT take them to someone elses house to play. You CANNOT play them from SD.

If you get a new Wii you must buy them again.

Any other questions?
makes sence for the online downloads... cool thing is maybe they will release VC games on SD cards at like gamestop and such for all the people who live out in the booneys and cant get highspeed to download fromt he wii... just another place for them to make money...

Atari favorites on an SD card then just toss it in copy it to the Wii.. although im sure it would do the same thing and hardwire itself to one system... when someone cracks the programing it might be possibal... but nintendo is always good about unbreakable software
ive been messing with my SD downloads a bit but they are all saved in the mysterious .bin format... meaning unless you have a copy of the software that runs it your pretty much outta luck opening the file at all...

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