Alot Of Rude People On Forum

Sep 24, 2006
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Ok Ive been a member for over a week now and in this time i realized something. There are Many people in this forum that are very rude! And alot of them are to Newbs...ok ive seen alot of this on threads ( Ive seen this thread 10 times already... ive seen it 15 times) Ok we are talking about newbs here...they just arrived here!! (of course your going to think: well they should have looked at the FAQ) well guess what not all newbs think of looking at it they just got here and they don't know if it was writed before or not...Second lets say i asked a stupid question like oh I don't know...ok i got one lets say i asked Is there really going to be a new Zelda Game coming for the wii ( by the way its an example) alot of people will say Man Are You Retared?!? Trust me that is very hurtful for the person that actully wrote the thread...insted of insulting the guy or girl just write yes it will ( ok i realize that the question that i asked everyone would know that there is going to be a zelda game for the wii but you get my point!)
Another point i would like to bring is when someone is stating his or her opinion...please don't insult the opinion im sure that you have as much of other stupid opinion as well, For an example, lets say someone ask what do you think of sonic being on Brawl?? and someone says i think he should be in it and then someone reaplys Man are you @#$@en Retared or something?!? Sonic Should Never Be In brawl Man Your @%#ed up in the head!... it was his or her opinion to say that he thinks sonic should be there, why would someone go and insult his opinion because he thinks diffrently?!? which reminds me! ive seen kids of 12 years old the forum...but i see you people swear alot...just watch what you write please...

Thanks For Reading!
Demon Slayer
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calling people noobs, even though you posted this in the Wii Chat Section while it should be in Feed Back or The Lounge?...Noob..
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well i was going to post this on the lounge but then i realized that i was talking about the forums and well noob basicly means their new...its not insulting at least not to my knowledge...but if it is then im sorry

By the way after 109 post i don't think of my self has a noob anymore
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Demon Slayer said:
well i was going to post this on the lounge but then i realized that i was talking about the forums and well noob basicly means their new...its not insulting at least not to my knowledge...but if it is then im sorry

then it should be feedback :)
Anyways just for future reference
Newb-Someone who sucks/is bad becuase they are new to the game.
Noob-Someone who sucks/is bad but they are not new to the game.
:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:
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oh ok then ill say newb then thanks for the still lerning
Erm...this is kinda bias, huh?

Demon Slayer, give us a quote for the "You are retarded" part, please. Then I'll believe you. Your arguement is based like an 8-year olds. Seriously, complaining about something like this? Are you 4?

You'll probably call me rude, just cause I'm telling you whats the truth. Live with it; it's life.
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OMG how retarded are you? Youve ****ing repeated this shizz Over and Over again WILL YOU ****ING STOP SPAMMING YOU MOTHER ****ING **** HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there happy thats what one said and ive seen more to but you can't expect me to know every thing...and second maybe i sound like a child doing this but really ask your self do you like being insulted...maybe by doing this i can make this forum a little better!! ok and if you think im a child to do this well your just another one of the ppl that im talking about!!!
Link, please. Link to that exact thread where someone posted that.

Cause I know that's not true. Stop lying. You're rude and idiotic for lying, unless your prove yourself.
he is right. he doesnt need to link any thread because youre insulting him right now. this should be in the feed back forum, but im not calling him a noob. he is absolutely right in so many ways.
Demon Slayer said:
Second lets say i asked a stupid question like oh I don't know...ok i got one lets say i asked Is there really going to be a new Zelda Game coming for the wii ( by the way its an example) alot of people will say Man Are You Retared?!? Trust me that is very hurtful for the person that actully wrote the thread...insted of insulting the guy or girl
Demon Slayer said:
Another point i would like to bring is when someone is stating his or her opinion...please don't insult the opinion im sure that you have as much of other stupid opinion as well, For an example, lets say someone ask what do you think of sonic being on Brawl?? and someone says i think he should be in it and then someone reaplys Man are you @#$@en Retared or something?!? Sonic Should Never Be In brawl Man Your @%#ed up in the head!... it was his or her opinion to say that he thinks sonic should be there, why would someone go and insult his opinion because he thinks diffrently?!?
these are all good points.
Second lets say i asked a stupid question like oh I don't know...ok i got one lets say i asked Is there really going to be a new Zelda Game coming for the wii ( by the way its an example) alot of people will say Man Are You Retared?!? Trust me that is very hurtful for the person that actully wrote the thread...insted of insulting the guy or girl just write yes it will ( ok i realize that the question that i asked everyone would know that there is going to be a zelda game for the wii but you get my point!)
This one however is not exactly true. there is a thread for people new to WiiChat here
While not everyone does it, I have seen a few rude posts from people. I know it gets really old when new people come in and ask the same thing that other new people ask over and over but there is still no reason to run them off. Just welcome them to the site and inform them to try the search button before asking questions or posting whatever. Or if you really want to be helpful then provide a link for them.

That's all I have to say about that.
Mr_Stoukaph said:
he is right. he doesnt need to link any thread because youre insulting him right now. this should be in the feed back forum, but im not calling him a noob. he is absolutely right in so many ways.

these are all good points.

This one however is not exactly true. there is a thread for people new to WiiChat here

Demanding for proof is not insulting; it's how our world works. You can't just provide a statement, let's say, "The Wii is coming out December 25, 2012." On a forum, you need proof for a statement like that.

But I was a little harsh about the rude and idiotic statement.

How is he right if he is lying(assuming) about that quote? It is obvious that that kind of post would turn into a huge flame war, and that he made that up right there and then.

There are a few rude people, but does that limit it to a lot of people? No. One or two is not a lot.

And once again, you have to deal with that.

Don't be bias, provide facts in a debate. You can't give your opinion.
Kunu said:
Demanding for proof is not insulting;
Kunu said:
Stop lying. You're rude and idiotic for lying, unless your prove yourself.
That sounds insulting to me. I'm not trying to flame anyone. And I know you apologized for saying it, but you shouldn't have in the first place. You're right about the flame war, just be respectful of others opinions.