All the official wii boxarts

Wii Game Box Design Template
i do enjoy how nintendo makes it pretty obvious on which controllers you need for each game. so people without nunchuks don't go and buy zelda or something. it is a good idea
I suppose this counts as game boxart it's related to Wii games. No point in making another thread for it.

SuperSmasher025 said:
these boxarts are so simple yet they look so cool!
ohh, i want wii. i will not be silenced until i own a wii!!

I'll stop now .... (-.-')
*Stuffs your mouth with cookie dough*
SuperSmasher025 said:
(muffled) Fheay, vwhaht wazf zhat sfore? oorf, ie feeil shick. :sick:

... >.>
*Stashes body in a PS3* Ah, HA! No one will EVER look in there! xD It resembles/smells like a rotting corpse already, anyway. Bwehehe.
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Ok, what the hell are you two doing? I'm here to brake it up... no stuffing of chopped up corpses in Ps3's. :lol: Could you imagine the person that would be buying that Ps3? They open up their CD tray and out pops a finger.
ABC said:
Ok, what the hell are you two doing? I'm here to brake it up... no stuffing of chopped up corpses in Ps3's. :lol: Could you imagine the person that would be buying that Ps3? They open up their CD tray and out pops a finger.
Well, it's a launch unit. *Nod nod* Someone idiotic enough to buy one at launch will think it's a Twinkie or something. xD

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