Ain's Friend Code Share Megathread


Looking to Play.
Dec 20, 2013
Wii Online Code
Ain's Friend Code Share Megathread
Rules: Please post active friend codes. If you don't have a personal Wii, please do not post.

In this list so far:
Mario Kart Wii
Nintendo 3DS/2DS/3DSXL (Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
Project Melee (Super Smash Bros. Brawl Mod)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Suggested by Dirge)
Tatsunoko Versus Capcom (Post more friend codes!)
Goldeneye Wii (Post more friend codes!)
Bomberman Blast (Post more friend codes!)


Nintendo 3DS/2DS/3DSXL
Rules: Please list the online games you own.

: 0645-6566-1075
AC:NL - I have Apples, Peaches, Coconuts, Perfect Cherries, Pears and Mangos.
MK7 - I don't battle because of the terrible stages. :'C

Philip: 1461-6308-5932
Pokemon Y - Adding people for their Friend Safari, I have a decent amount of Pokemon up for trade, and always willing to have a friendly battle.
Kid Icarus Uprising - I don't play it much anymore, but if you want, I can get online to shake off some rust.

Dirge: 5069-4967-9176
Pokemon X - Will add any other trainers, if only t' get their Friend Safari. Always happy to battle, and will have a complete Pokedex for any of your trading needs come Pokemon Bank's release. Also, if ya have shinnies I want 'em.


Mario Kart Wii

Rules: The only cheat allowed is the no music cheat. Do not abuse glitches.

: 5244-1985-3542
Firesys: 3353-7439-9163
driftor23: 2065-5026-7100
sosuftw: 0304-2482-0292


Project Melee V3
Rules: No cheats whatsoever.

Ain: 1850-7726-4881
I'm pretty good overall, but I have my good days and my bad days. I play no items on Final Destination 90% of the time. I recommend you do the same.

PHLIP: 2322-9937-7809
Just for fun. It's more enjoyable than vBrawl, at least.

Dirge: 3007-7819-5661

"I'm semi-competitive so I expect anyone who adds me to be at least decent. Don't care 'bout wacky stages or items, though my personal stage choices will be relatively normal, and I always have items off unless someone else has 'em on."


Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Rules: No cheats...
Firesys: 0647-3611-4602
Megalodon: 2452-2586-0214
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'Karp be damned, an organized FC thread. Ain't that a sight to see. Sign me up. :lol: If this gets to page 2 soon, it's gettin' sticky'd for sure.

Dirge: 5069-4967-9176 (3DS)
Pokemon X - Will add any other trainers, if only t' get their Friend Safari. Always happy to battle, and will have a complete Pokedex for any of your trading needs come Pokemon Bank's release. Also, if ya have shinnies I want 'em.

Dirge: 3007-7819-5661 (Project: M)
I'm semi-competitive so I expect anyone who adds me to be at least decent. Don't care 'bout wacky stages or items, though my personal stage choices will be relatively normal, and I always have items off unless someone else has 'em on.

Speakin' of, I'll add ya later Ain.

And speakin' of addin' things, I recommend you add to the list a spot for vBrawl as well. I'd say Wiichat gets most of it's FC posts for Brawl.
Nintendo 3DS
: 1461-6308-5932
Pokemon Y - Adding people for their Friend Safari, I have a decent amount of Pokemon up for trade, and always willing to have a friendly battle.
Kid Icarus Uprising - I don't play it much anymore, but if you want, I can get online to shake off some rust.

Project Melee V3
PHLIP: 2322-9937-7809

Just for fun. It's more enjoyable than vBrawl, at least.

Also, 'Karp, did you know there's a hidden YouTube link in Ain's post?
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SSBB: 0647-3611-4602
MKWii: 3353-7439-9163
Tatsunoko vs Capcom: 2710-3733-8543
Goldeneye Wii:
Bomberman Blast: 2967-3828-3583

Add-me and PM or VM please;
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Bomberman Blast: 2967-3828-3583

Still play this game is a chance to play Bomberman online.

add-me and PM.
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I've been lurking this thread on and off.
As of 01/12/14 I have added both Friend Codes for the Mario Kart Wii section.


Note: To add a game to the Megathread, I'll require at least two friend codes per game. If there are no additions to the section and it seems to be taking up space, I'll move it lower down the list.
Here are my friend codes for you to exchange:

Mario Kart Wii: 2193-9181-5873
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 3826-0016-1595
Pokemon Puzzle League: 5071-5417-8315
Mario Strikers Charged: 399896-653134

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