Afro Samuri on Wii??


Wii Number One
Dec 12, 2007
Sylva, N.C.
This last sunday night The 07 Video Game Awards were on and it showed a preview of Afro Samuri the game does any1 kno if it will b released on the wii

any info will help:)
Probably not, it's said to be on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 but not Wii. I guess this could help out Xbox in the Japan sales because they need more games that the japanese will like.

I think im going to get it :) Samuel Jackson as the Afro Ninja :) I hope he says "Mother ****er" in the game :)
I assume its a fighting game like Tekken, correct? If so it sounds like it will be terrible. Those games always get stale after about 2 hours anyway.
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well not all the time.... The soul calibur series is fantastic and the dbz budoki series is very fun so it may have a chance
True, there are a few exceptions, but most new Fighting games fall flat on their face. It is just a hard genre to pull of. God bless SSB!
There makein a game of it ?
I smell a cash in
S.C.A.R. said:
I assume its a fighting game like Tekken, correct? If so it sounds like it will be terrible. Those games always get stale after about 2 hours anyway.
You mustn of played Virtua fighter4,5,evo,3/street fighter 3, king of the fighters, garuo then
Well considering its a cash in im thinking it will be okish at best
I dont remember there beeing a lot of people fighting
Usually games based off of other things tend to.. well.. suck! There are some exceptions but I don't think this is going to be one of them.
S.C.A.R. said:
Usually games based off of other things tend to.. well.. suck! There are some exceptions but I don't think this is going to be one of them.

All games are based off other things
As long as you dont copy what its based on it wont automatically suck.

Just like when they make a movie then make the game exactly like the movie.

But if you create a whole new game that is influenced by whatever it is, instead of just copy and pasting then you can make a good game. Same goes for when making games into movies.

Btw, its not a fighting game, its a Action/Samurai game. Samuel L. Jackson and Phil Lamarr doing voices ^_^. I think RZA might be making some soundtracks for the game, you know... since Wu-Tang is really into Martial Arts movies and the whole culture.

I think if I get the game I might be like that zilla guy and overrate it simply because im liking everything I hear. But to each his own, and it will be my own :)
T3kNi9e said:
Btw, its not a fighting game, its a Action/Samurai game.

Ie shameless cashin

By things i meant movies, shows, etc. Sorry I should have specified.
I know
I was doing my take things literaly thing

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