AC CF friends


WiiChat Member
Aug 3, 2010
lake charles
hi, i'm looking for animal crossign friends to share friend codes with.. i've tried to add a few peops from the forums but their last activity was like in jan 2010 soooo i am looking for someone who plays pretty often .. would love to travel and see other towns!! (this may the only downfall between this game and the animal crossing for the gamecube) grrr, it's aggrivating.. any help, much appreciated.. thanks!!
our town is Milyvill
Toni FC 3266-8719-4600

Caitlin* FC 3138-1065-2627

I am their mom and I play for them every day!! We also have Wii speak
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madi, i added you or registered you.. but couldnt' get to your town.. do you have to register me first?? if so my

FC is 0131-6548-9759
town is Serenity
name is (symbols that i am not sure how to type out on here lol)

i'm new at this friend code thing lol
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hey snaps.... when you go to the keyboard, hit more .. then firstand last letter of my name is on 7th page last symbol on top then go to page 3 bottom row, next to last symbol is my middle letter and then followed by 3 music notes
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hey, i'll be back on tomorrow after noon time .. probably around 1 central time.. hope to see ya town then :)
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hey, a new name

hey snaps, i just made a new name in accf please add me and then if you can figure out my other name add it too plz

Town: Serenity
Name: Lynette
FC: 4770-2229-4401

hope to connect soon
Hey Lynette - I did add your other symbol filled name yesterday and stayed with open gates for a long time yesterday - cld never find you either . . .i will add this new one - looking forward to "hooking up" and visiting each other's towns!!! What's your schedule today? or this evening?? I have some things that will keep me gone most of the day - but let me know . . . .can't wait!!!!!!!!!!
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  • #11
i will try you right now .. will be on and off most of the day.. nothing pressing for me to do lol... what time this evening will you be on and we can make a date lol
Town is: HACKED
Name is:Josh
FC is:0131-3720-0722
Pm me if you added me
I'm a old hacker i have 122 million

PS, i have no light sabers and I'm on alot
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