Abstinence. Your views?

JAKE196 said:
ummm. . . nope.

no religious restraints, I'm free to think and decide for myself. :ciappa:

Religion is not a restraint, after it, it's based on what is best for people. God made a lot of us dumb idiots who fall flat on their face for love, and this will just make them carelessly decide. If everyopne decided things for themself, they wouldn't obey laws, religion is a choice, nothing is forced from you. But, it is thought that you were only ever meant to be with one person who would be your soul mate, you shouldn't test out everyone else to see if they're compatible, that treats the human body as a commodity.

Neh, I don't support this idea, but it eliminates a lot of problems in society like STDs and whatnot. Think about how nice it would be without people bragging about everything.

I think I'm intelligent enough to deicde for myself, but waiting for marriage, I don't think I'll do that. I don't even think there are many men out there who even support the idea, and they're all impatient. Pff, I've never came across any situation where I'd have to decide though.
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yeah never been in such a position either. Just sayin if i was in a serious relationship and i really felt liked i loved the person I prbly could not wait.

not gonna hapen any time soon though. . . -_-'

never found anyone similar enough to myself.

although i have been in love. . .

yeah thats enough rambling. . .
Personally, I do not believe in abstinence. I believe that if you find the right person for you and want to take it to the next level that it is ok. I would not tell anyone in their teens to have sex though. Enjoy your teen years and not worry about unwanted pregnancies or std's. I know a lot of people who got pregnant in their teens and are now struggling. If you choose to have sex do it knowing the possible consequences and most importantly use protection.
Does abstinance include masturbation?
It's all religious nonsense, if it feels good do it. Just don't hurt anyone, unless of course they ask you too.
It'd be drug abstinance that I really couldn't handle, bite me Nancy Reagan!
hmm i have to say that i am not married and have not absteined. I dont know how old you guys are but i am 17, and have had a girl friend for 10 months, and im sure some of you will laugh at my naivity. But yes we are in love and succumbed to temptation haha. i dont want to say how long we went out before we did, but we are still together to this day. Yes i am young and yes i dont know what the future holds, but if i was with this girl the rest of my life, i would have a happy life. here comes the laughing, i know i know im a teenager and naive just like i should be. But here's the thing, if we were to break up tomorrow, i would not regret not absteining, because i know we are in love, and thinking back on it i would know we were when we commited ourselves to eachother in that way.

And it is said to be a sin in the bible if you dont abstein, but back then people were married at 13/14, when the temptation becomes a force. So, as you can tell, my position is that if you do feel the same way for eachother and will be comfortable in having sex and feel like you know your in love then its ok. but be safe and wait as long as you can before it..... and definitly make it special.
I look at folks who did not choose abstinance and I see lots of them who accidentally had kids, or just got really close to the person they had sex with. Which, by the way, is what's supposed to happen. It's almost like someone out there created us to want to be with the person we had sex with for the rest of our lives.

I digress, anyways it's much simpler to find a mate, get married and settle into it. No messy breakups, no fights with other guys/gals who were also with the person, etc. My life has been much simpler since I've only been with the one I married and I like it. I've never heard of anyone regretting not sleeping around.
Hmmm....we should get some more older people in here, that are married?

Great last point there napalmed.
Yea, but they wouldnt be on here cuz their wives wouldn't let em waste all their time on their wii's haha.
I'm old enough to get married, but I don't plan to be anytime soon. Unless of course a situation like Celeste brought up, where my GF felt it necessary for her. TBH though, it wouldn't be hard to convince me - you get a tax break when you're married right? :lol:

As far as abstinence, and some of the religious views that go along with that, if they're not throwing it in my face by telling me how much better their system is than mine, I honestly don't care.

Decisions that deal with, and only affect the personal, should be left to an individual, not society. Once that decision forces people that don't want to be involved, to be involved, that's when society has to step in - hence my feelings on the majority of censorship.
I support freedom.

As for abstinence of sex, I'm undecided. If the time is right then I'm not going to back down.

EDIT: Its times like these when I wish TLC hadn't deleted my Alcoholism thread. We're all having a nice mature discussion. I had written something like 6-8 paragraphs, hoping that I could have a nice debate and TLC has to ruin the whole fricking thread.
LevesqueIsKing said:
I support freedom.

As for abstinence of sex, I'm undecided. If the time is right then I'm not going to back down.

EDIT: Its times like these when I wish TLC hadn't deleted my Alcoholism thread. We're all having a nice mature discussion. I had written something like 6-8 paragraphs, hoping that I could have a nice debate and TLC has to ruin the whole fricking thread.
Oo, I love a good debate. Maybe reinvent the topic sometime! :)
^I couldn't if I tried. It took me a few days and I can't be bothered. Feel free to make the topic.

Wait. Do mod's have access to deleted threads, as long as they arent permanently deleted? Trulen, Syntax is it possible?