about Pokemon battle revolution


WiiChat Member
Sep 20, 2006
Auzzie land (freo)
Wii Online Code
i was wondering if it was going to be an adventure game like the classic pokemon's on nintendo gamboy. where you run around and find pokemon. or is it gonna be ONLY the battles and no exploring..
if its only battling i dont think i will get it..
but if its adventure + online. i think it will be 1 of the best games of 2007..
.any1 know anything about this.
her are some screen if your not familiar with the title:

and videos( these were made last year so the title will have been improved from these and these are not online battles): http://au.media.wii.ign.com/media/818/818481/vids_1.html
Just battling .. And battle revolution will be fighting too.. srz

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