Pokémon Battle Revolution details


Apr 30, 2006
Some new info for Pokémon Battle Revolution has surfaced over at Dengeki Online, here's what's been revealed:

* Free Battle
Duke it out in a a Coliseum battle. Players can save data to their Wii-mote and then upload it to the software on a completely different Wii. Almost cool enough to make me not loathe Pokémon, but not quite.

* WiFi Battle
Fight with players across with Japan. Well, players whose friend codes you know.

There is also the option color coordinate outfits for your trainer :ihih:

Link: http://www.dengekionline.com/data/news/2006/11/30/9377a9f499b02d87306e305e53a8d749.html
Friend Codes.... pfft.

What a hassle.

Yeah I can see it now, standing in your room playing Wii and screaming "Go Pikachu" and doing a throwing motion with your wiimote. :rolleyes:
I wish you can just battle without using friend codes, then possibly exchange friend codes to email each other on the Wii, that would be better in my opinion.The DS is also involved with the Pokemon game, as it serves as a controller and second screen.

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