A real April fools joke? Praising the Wii's Online setup


WiiChat Member
Jan 26, 2009

Andrew Oliver, chief technology officer, Blitz Games Studio responds: “Adding an extra dimension to games is clearly the way forward, although clearly we’re going with one dimension at a time.”

I told Oliver that he could ask a question for Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime who I needed to rush off to interview. Oliver thought for a while and told me that he’s got one about online. He’s a multi-console user and found that the Wii was the least of a hassle for him to get online (he didn’t have to go to a website, buy a WiFi add-on or any other things). So …

Andrew Oliver question for Reggie Fils-Aime: “Your console is the easiest machine to get online, but unfortunately most software doesn’t use any online functions. Would you like that to change?”

Fils-Aime loved this question, of course. How many times do you think an interviewer has praised the Wii’s online capabilities in a question? But, hey, I’m just the messenger…

Reggie Fils-Aime responds: “I think he’s dead on in terms of, out of the box, our ability to take you online is unsurpassed. In our view, there is untapped opportunity in packaged software to have an online element. We’re seeing more and more of that: downloadable content with ‘Rock Band,’ with ‘Guitar Hero…’ What Nintendo is doing is messaging to the consumer how easy it is to get online and all of the benefits. That messaging began last fall with some pre-installed content that messages: ‘Here’s everything you get as a benefit of going online…. You can go online and play ‘Mario Kart,‘ there’s channels…” We’re committed to driving our installed base. And, certainly, for any consumers who already enjoying downloadable content, the SD card and high-capacity SD card capabilities that we announced today takes it to a whole other level.

Anyone agree, disagree? Get any cheap laughs?
There's nothing incorrect in this. He's praising the simplicity of connecting a Wii to the internet, and he's right, it's easy to set up.

He's not talking about Nintendo's whole online system. In fact, he complained about how few games actually use online capabilities.
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There's nothing incorrect in this. He's praising the simplicity of connecting a Wii to the internet, and he's right, it's easy to set up.

He's not talking about Nintendo's whole online system. In fact, he complained about how few games actually use online capabilities.

Some people find working with the online system to be frustrating.

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