"A New Way To Play" This thread is to spread ideas of how best to utilize the Wii

ThatGuy127 said:
1st - Is SSBB really classic controller only? Or are you just saying that as a suggestion?

ssbb isnt classic controller only, in fact i dont even know if it is classic controller. what is widely known is that ssbb will be gamecube controller compatible. i highly doubt that nintendo would make a game that would not support the wiimote+nunchuk combo in some way.
I totaly agree with you... we had a Star Wars thread somewhere in which i suggested the same control scheme (just not as detailed and profesional)

Hopefully they give a real reply, when you get something put it up asap
here the gun is again.

but i think the only resolution to our problem is waiting for MP3:corruption.
if nintendo have made that game well we will know for sure that they have suceeded. and i did not expect any release game, besides TP and wii sports, to be any good they are just side attractions to boost the wii's sales. just wait till ssbb and mp3 come out. you will **** your pants
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Well, couldn't possibly see this coming.



I appreciate your taking the time to share your comments regarding the
Nintendo Wii. Rest assured that they will be forwarded to the
appropriate department for further review.

Nintendo of America Inc.
Kurt Wagner

Nintendo's home page: The Official Nintendo Homepage, featuring Wii is Available Now!, Kirby Squeak Squad, Excite Truck, Trauma Center: Second Opinion, Wii Experience Videos
Power Line (Automated Product Info): (425) 885-7529


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Sadly, i'm not resting assuredly, but oh well, all we can do is hope. Now people, lets hear some ideas! this isnt just for my letter but for everyone's thoughts on interesting ideas for the Wii. Get crackin'.

Also, i will continue to update if I hear anything more. (crosses fingers)
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  • #21
(slightly) New response from Nintendo. I'm taking this as a guarantee that I won't ever get a personal response. I'm going to keep trying though.


Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo,

Now that Wii has launched, we have been overwhelmed with inquiries
about and interest in this exciting new product (and most likely will
continue to be for some time to come). While I'm unable to address your
comments regarding Wii directly, I wanted to tell you how much I
appreciate your taking the time to share them.

One more thing, please check out our important safety information for
playing Wii on the following web page:



Nintendo of America Inc.
Sharon Matheny

Nintendo's home page: http://www.nintendo.com/
Power Line (Automated Product Info): (425) 885-7529
i think you letter shouldnt just be about 1 specific game like red steel. we need a massive letter going in depth and showing how much work can be put into a game to make it awsome. so you need to wright up some massive letter that gives "wiichats" opinion to nintendo about all then games and future games nintendo release's.
just a thought...
Wow, I guess this thread is dead.... I thought up this control scheme for an FPS

Camera: Nunchuk Analg Stick
Movement: D-Pad
Moving Crosshairs: Wiimote
Shoot: B
Melee: Move Nunchuk
Zoom In: C+Move Wiimote Foward
Zoom Out: C+Move Wiimore Back (just press C, move it forward/back, then you can let go of C and move the wiimote back to it's position)
Jump: C+Move Wiimote Up
Crouch: C+Move Wiimote Down
Change Weapons: Z+Move Wiimote Left/Right
Change Grenades: Z+Move Wiimote Up/Down
Throw Grenade: A+"Throw" Wiimote (Make the action of throwing something, don't actually throw it!)
Pick Up Weapon: -
Pause: +
Lock Crosshairs (For steady aim): C+Z

The developers think that just because the Wii has motion sensors, they have to use it for the camera... No one's hands are that steady!
Am I the only person who thinks that the control scheme is good now. Just make the scrolling faster and variable and something for 180 turns. If you make the eyes (as opposed to the legs) an analog stick, FPS's will just be shooting galleries. Can't wait to see what MP3 does (like the expert mode previously mentioned.)
only way a letter would make an impact is as if it was done in a "modern declaration style"

our well written thread starter here would write a letter or use this one... post it to this tread and everyone in the forum would use their personal emails to bombard a given game company with the same letter

may not get a reply but it'll get noticed
and spam created by 1 item from thousands of individuals isn't in any way wrong :)
That gun looks sweet. I'd buy it just because it looks so damn cool.

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