a few online games i'd like 2 have friends on...


WiiChat Member
Apr 16, 2010
South Carolina
Wii Online Code
I HAVE NO FRIENDS 4 ANY OF THESE GAMESgoldeneye 007the conduit 2excitebotsmario kart wiimadden 10NBA 2K11naruto shippuden 3mario strikers chargedWWE smackdown vs. raw 2009I'll give my codes 2 anyone that wants 2 exhange codes. if u can plz jst pm me on youtube- if u type up danielherron57 on yotube u'll find me. if u cant do tht thn thts fine, i'll check back on here but its easer 4 me 2 chat on youtube...

i also hav cod waw. i did hav black ops, mwr, & mw3 but not anymore. i'm hoping 2 get bo & mw3 again soon. (if any1 reads this) im jst goina say it- this site used 2 b good. some dumba$$ changed it 4 no reason cause it was working fine lik it was. ever sence it was changed no1 comes on here anymore. part of the site isnt even able 2 go on with the wii. theres no new posts. i think this site should jst b deleted. (if it aint broke thn dont brake it) if theres nothing rong with something and its perfect lik it is thn Y would u change it. im jst mad/bord. XD mostly bord. im jst mad cause im so bord :p
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The fact that no new members are joinin' has nothin' to do with the new template and such, bro. Wiichat got DDoS attacked recently, and it broke account verification emails for some unknown reason. Thus, no one can post until said glitch is fixed. Whatever the glitch is, it sure as **** ain't an easy to fix neither.
Wii number 4026-6447-3068-3169 nickname Claxton1978-9217-7797 for Mario kartAdded u add me 2

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