7 minute zelda trailer

:D :D :D gorons yes but why is his brothers attacking him dont understand plz oh plz my goron friends be friends with us again
yes 550 posts
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  • #18
I think the gorons are training him. perhaps there are 'proper fights' in this game, with punches thrown if you somehow lose your sword.... Link wasn't hurt when the goron hit him, he just sort of rolled over.
Sick movie, lol as soon as i watched it i was like "Have to post something about that goron boxing" but when i checked u guys already had. That was sickness though, really good video. Do u guys reckon there will be any more zelda games on the wii after this one?
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  • #27
I think there will be another zelda on wii. Hopefully the wii will still be popular in two or three years time- possibly more; plenty of time to make another game.

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