I am Burr (that's double 'r' please roll it or I shall be so very offended) Henry (Hen-Ree, like a hen that's going 'ree ree ree!').
I am very manly.
And I have a mustache.
Mm, yes.
Pleasure to meet you, old sport(s).
My wii doesn't connect to the internet so don't ask me for my code, for alas and alack...Exist...She does not.
Now just add a picture
apermario: for good measure to my unnecessarily long hello post (if you read to the end...Slow clapping for you).
I am Burr (that's double 'r' please roll it or I shall be so very offended) Henry (Hen-Ree, like a hen that's going 'ree ree ree!').
I am very manly.
And I have a mustache.
Mm, yes.
Pleasure to meet you, old sport(s).
My wii doesn't connect to the internet so don't ask me for my code, for alas and alack...Exist...She does not.
Now just add a picture