We are potentially one week away from finding out the Wii release date so here's an in-depth FAQ to bring everyone upto speed on this highly anticipated launch title 
Here are 51 of the most common asked questions for the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
01. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq1">What is the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?</a><br>
02. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq2">Are there any differences between the GameCube version and the Wii version?</a><br>
03. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq3">Does the Gamecube version support a widescreen format?</a><br>
04. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq4">I heard the Wii can play GameCube titles, can I just use my Gamecube copy on the Wii?</a><br>
05. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq5">When is the game due for release?</a><br>
06. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq6">Is it true this is the longest Zelda game so far?</a><br>
07. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq7">Is the Twilight Princess a lot harder than previous titles?</a><br>
08. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq8">What's the age rating?</a><br>
09. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq9">Does the Twilight Princess use Cel-shading?</a><br>
10. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq10">Does the game carry on from Wind Waker?</a><br>
11. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq11">I noticed there was some lag or slowdown in a few of the E3 trailers battle scenes, is this a cause for concern?</a><br>
12. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq12">How old is link in the game?</a><br>
13. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq13">I heard this is a new link?</a><br>
14. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq14">How can there be another Link, there's only ever been one?</a><br>
15. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq15">What is the Wolf I see in the trailers?</a><br>
16. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq16">What is the Twilight Realm?</a><br>
17. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq17">Does Link have any special powers as a Wolf?</a><br>
18. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq18">Who do I see riding on Wolf Links back in the trailer?</a><br>
19. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq19">Who is Midna?</a><br>
20. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq20">Is Midna Link's shadow?</a><br>
21. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq21">Who is the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
22. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq22">Why is she wearing Majora's mask?</a><br>
23. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq23">In the E3 trailer there is a girl in a black robe, who is it?</a><br>
24. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq24">How has Link's Tunic changed in the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
25. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq25">Will the Twilight Princess feature horse riding?</a><br>
26. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq26">Can link ride other animals?</a><br>
27. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq27">Will Epona be links horse again?</a><br>
28. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq28">Does Princess Zelda feature in the game?</a><br>
29. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq29">Is she a playable character?</a><br>
30. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq30">Does Ganon (Ganondorf) play a part in the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
31. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq31">Who is Colin?</a><br>
32. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq32">Who is Ilia?</a><br>
33. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq33">Will the Gorons/ Zoras/Gerudos/the Shiekah species be in the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
34. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq34">Who is the fairy that follows link everywhere?</a><br>
35. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq35">What Environments will Link have to battle through?</a><br>
36. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq36">Are any other characters known?</a><br>
37. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq37">How large is the Hyrule kingdom?</a><br>
38. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq38">What enemies are back in TP?</a><br>
39. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq39">What Bosses does Link have to battle against?</a><br>
40. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq40">What are the controls on the Gamecube?</a><br>
41. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq41">Are the controls different on the Wii?</a><br>
42. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq42">How do I throw a boomerang or fire an arrow like in the E3 trailer?</a><br>
43. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq43">Does the Wiimote allow free range of motion with swordplay?</a><br>
44. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq44">Can Link steal and use enemy weapons?</a><br>
45. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq45">Can I use weapons when being Wolf Link?</a><br>
46. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq46">Are there any new weapons in the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
47. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq47">What magical items can Link use?</a><br>
48. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq48">Can link carry more inventory than previous games?</a><br>
49. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq49">Can I adjust the camera view and angles?</a><br>
50. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq50">Can Link go fishing again in TP?</a><br>
51. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq51">Can link fully swim in TP?</a><br>
<a id="faq1"></a>1. <b>What is the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?</b><br>
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the latest in the Legend of Zelda series, this time Links adventures take place on both the Gamecube and upcoming Wii consoles.
<a id="faq2"></a>2. <b>Are there any differences between the GameCube version and the Wii version?</b><br>
In terms of gameplay and features, no. Both titles have the same storyline and gameplay features, the major difference being the Wii's use of motion sensitivity and interaction.
Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed in an interview that the only differences between the GameCube and Wii versions of the Twilight Princess are technical.
<a id="faq3"></a>3. <b>Does the Gamecube version support a widescreen format?</b><br>
No, Gamecube version plays only in 4:3 whereas the Wii version will also display in a 16:9 (widescreen) format in 480p.
<a id="faq4"></a>4. <b>I heard the Wii can play GameCube titles, can I just use my Gamecube copy on the Wii?</b><br>
Yes that's true, the Wii will run the Gamecube version of TP, only the Wiimotes functionality will not be there and instead you will have to use the Gamecube controller.
<a id="faq5"></a>5. <b>When is the game due for release?</b><br>
The game is currently dated for the same day release of the Wii console itself, which currently has not yet been revealed.
<a id="faq6"></a>6. <b>Is it true this is the longest Zelda game so far?</b><br>
TP developer Eiji Aonuma confirmed the games length to be over 100 hours in an interview with Korean site Ruliweb.com.
It has also been confirmed that the game will be at least 2 to 3 times bigger than The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, with an estimated length of 70 hours.
In an interview, one of the creators said that there will be 100 hours of gameplay. Now that most likely includes all the side quests and everything, but this is still significantly longer than any other Zelda, so expect lots of long dungeons and tons of side quests.
<a id="faq7"></a>7. <b>Is the Twilight Princess a lot harder than previous titles?</b><br>
As of yet there has been no confirmation from Nintendo either way on this, although some industry reporters speculate it to be the most difficult Zelda ever, but we'll have to wait for its release to really find out.
<a id="faq8"></a>8. <b>What's the age rating?</b><br>
No official word yet but going by past titles all of the previous Zelda's have been rated E. Twilight Princess is a bit edgier, so it may be rated E10+ or even T.<br>
An M rating is highly doubtful.
<a id="faq9"></a>9. <b>Does the Twilight Princess use Cel-shading?</b><br>
Yes, but not to the extent of Wind Waker. It features a stylized, naturalistic art style, rather than the cartoonish look that Wind Waker exhibited. It still however makes use of cel-shading effects by using a heavily modified version of the Wind Waker's engine.
<a id="faq10"></a>10. <b>Does the game carry on from Wind Waker?</b><br>
The Twilight Princess is said to take place decades after Ocarina of Time but a long time before the Wind Waker.
<a id="faq11"></a>11. <b>I noticed there was some lag or slowdown in a few of the E3 trailers battle scenes, is this a cause for concern?</b><br>
What you saw on the E3 demo trailers was NOT game lag or any form of slowdown. It is infact intentional to create a stylistic effect. The game slows slightly whenever you get a large hit in on your opponents. This slight slowdown was also in TWW
<a id="faq12"></a>12. <b>How old is link in the game?</b><br>
Link is rumored to begin the game at 16 years old although he will age throughout the game. Though it is yet kept under wraps how it will exactly unfold, we will see Link as a child, as an adolescent and as an adult.
<a id="faq13"></a>13. <b>I heard this is a new link?</b><br>
Yes, the hero in the adventure is said to be an all-new Link
<a id="faq14"></a>14. <b>How can there be another Link, there's only ever been one?</b><br>
That is a common misconception. There are several Links throughout Zelda history. There are currently 9 Links, including Twilight Princess Link.
<a id="faq15"></a>15. <b>What is the Wolf I see in the trailers?</b><br>
The Wolf is the creature Link turns into once he enters the Twilight Realm.
<a id="faq16"></a>16. <b>What is the Twilight Realm?</b><br>
Little is known about the Twilight Realm besides the fact that it is slowly taking over Hyrule, and that humans cannot exist there. Any human that visits the Twilight Realm transform into the animal that most closely represents them.
<a id="faq17"></a>17. <b>Does Link have any special powers as a Wolf?</b><br>
Currently little is known about Link's powers as a Wolf, although it is suggested that Wolf Link will have extraordinary hearing and the ability to communicate with other animals. Wolf Link also has the ability to attack with his claws and teeth.
<a id="faq18"></a>18. <b>Who do I see riding on Wolf Links back in the trailer?</b><br>
That is Links companion Midna.
<a id="faq19"></a>19. <b>Who is Midna?</b><br>
Midna is a new character to the Zelda games and only appears in the Twilight Realm. At a certain point in the game she decides to team up with Link to fight a "greater evil" that she cannot overcome alone. Little is known about Midna, only that she disappears when Link leaves the Twilight Realm but is said to stay with him in another form.
<a id="faq20"></a>20. <b>Is Midna Link's shadow?</b><br>
As Midna is a resident of the Twilight Realm it is believed she changes form when in the Human world, it has been speculated that she becomes Links shadow.
<a id="faq21"></a>21. <b>Who is the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
In an IGN video Midna is seen appearing out of Link's shadow. This has led many to believe Midna is the Twilight Princess. It is confirmed Midna is female, and the only character known to have lived in the Twilight Realm for a longer extent than Zelda.
<a id="faq22"></a>22. <b>Why is she wearing Majora's mask?</b><br>
She isn't. Midna's headdress/mask looks only vaguely like Majora's Mask. Probably because the same developers who worked on previous Zelda games like Majora's Mask are working on Twilight Princess and designed Midna's headdress. Apart from that there is no other connection between the two.
<a id="faq23"></a>23. <b>In the E3 trailer there is a girl in a black robe, who is it?</b><br>
That is the new Zelda. Her robe is that of a Japanese funeral robe. She wears it because she is mourning the loss of Hyrule. It is rumored that the robe protects her from the Twilight Realm's effect, since she is a human.
<a id="faq24"></a>24. <b>How has Link's Tunic changed in the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
Link's costume takes on a much more lifelike appearance than previous installments, with a plainly seen woven tunic. A hat that seems to be stitched together that makes it seem more hand made, the iron boots, and mail, to give extra protection during melee battles.
<a id="faq25"></a>25. <b>Will the Twilight Princess feature horse riding?</b><br>
Yes the Twilight Princess will make good use of Links horse riding abilities along with mounted combat situations.
<a id="faq26"></a>26. <b>Can link ride other animals?</b><br>
Yes it is believed so. In the second trailer also shows that Link can ride the boars when their original riders are gone.
<a id="faq27"></a>27. <b>Will Epona be links horse again?</b><br>
Yes and No. With where TP is in the timeline, Epona would either be extremely old or dead. But you can name your horse whatever you want, and the default name is Epona.
<a id="faq28"></a>28. <b>Does Princess Zelda feature in the game?</b><br>
It is believed the cloaked woman in the E3 trailer is Princess Zelda, although her part in the game is yet to be detailed.
<a id="faq29"></a>29. <b>Is she a playable character?</b><br>
Whether or not she will fight in the game has not been confirmed, TP Developer Eiji Aonuma however has stated that she will not be taking up her traditional role.
<a id="faq30"></a>30. <b>Does Ganon (Ganondorf) play a part in the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
It was announced in Nintendo Power (vol. 193) that Ganon will be in Twilight Princess, and that Nintendo is "preparing more than you could possibly ever, ever, ever expect".
<a id="faq31"></a>31. <b>Who is Colin?</b><br>
Colin is Links friend from Toaru village. Colin is captured along with a few other villagers by a horde of beasts.
<a id="faq32"></a>32. <b>Who is Ilia?</b><br>
Ilia is one of Link's closest friends. She is also extremely close with nature, and heals Link's horse when it is hurt jumping fences.
<a id="faq33"></a>33. <b>Will the Gorons/ Zoras/Gerudos/the Shiekah species be in the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
Yes, it's been confirmed several times. In the second trailer, Link was shown sparring with a Goron. Later, in an interview on of the creators confirmed that Gorons would make a return. And at E3 2006, the playable dungeon is called "Goron Mines."
In the same interview where Gorons were confirmed, it was also stated that some other species would make their return also. It was mainly hinting at Zoras, but Gerudos and the Shiekah are thought to be possible.
For those hoping Shiek makes a return, I think you'll be disappointed. First, the Zelda in this game is NOT the Zelda from OoT. Second, if OoT Zelda is still around, she would have no reason to be running around as a Shiekah, especially at what her age would be. I say forget Shiek and hope for the whole Shiekah tribe is in it.
<a id="faq34"></a>34. <b>Who is the fairy that follows link everywhere?</b><br>
That fairy icon is the in-game pointer, showing you where you are pointing the Wiimote on screen. Several sites have called the fairy Navi, but it probably isn't her, and the fairy has no plot significance.
<a id="faq35"></a>35. <b>What Environments will Link have to battle through?</b><br>
As with the other Zelda games, Links journey will take him across many varied landscapes and environments, and the Twilight Princess is no exception.
Along with the many dungeons Link will encounter the Twilight Realm, forest and open fields along with the small village where Link lives.
There are also mountain areas, where Link was seen apparently sparring with a Goron. Later pictures introduced a market scene, and snowy area where wolf-Link was running. The demo shown at E3 2006 indicated that Twilight Princess will see a changing of seasons.
<a id="faq36"></a>36. <b>Are any other characters known?</b><br>
Going by the official E3 2006 footage and other trailers there are only a few other characters known about. Ofcourse we have Links Horse (Name can be chosen by the player, but demos have shown the name Epona), and three other characters featured in the trailers.
* Raka (tall and thin)<br>
* Tobi (short and tubby) - two clownlike characters<br>
* Hena, a young woman who runs the fishing lake featured in the demo at E3 2006<br>
<a id="faq37"></a>37. <b>How large is the Hyrule kingdom?</b><br>
In terms of gameplay time it is believed to take 45minutes to ride horse back across Hyrule.
<a id="faq38"></a>38. <b>What enemies are back in TP?</b><br>
Not much is currently known about the enemies in the game; while some enemies from previous Zelda games return, as seen in the third official trailer, there are also many new creatures.
Keese, Stalfos, Moblins, Bokoblins, Lizalfos (and/or Dinolfos) can all be seen in the TP trailers along with an array of huge spiders Their appearance is reminiscent of a Skulltula, although the skull is only a pattern on the abdomen, whereas the Skulltulas in the N64 games were smaller and had a skull-shaped armored carapace.
Flying, dragon-like creatures have been featured in a few trailers, both flying in the Twilight Realm (in the E3 2005 trailer) and pestering Link while he is on horseback (in the GDC 2005 trailer).
<a id="faq39"></a>39. <b>What Bosses does Link have to battle against?</b><br>
Link will have to battle against a number of big Bosses in TP, however only a handful are currently known.
These include a Fire Boss seen in the original Zelda Trailer at E³ 2004.
The Fire Boss is a giant figure of flame with a dangerous-looking chain, which was used as a whip to knock Link to the ground in the Goron Mines. When Link enters the boss room, the monster seems to be captured in some way (there are chains securing its arms to two columns and it legs to the floor).
Another boss or mini-boss battle is a sort of jousting match with an ugly creature riding a huge armored boar. To raise the stakes, the creature has abducted a village boy, Colin, and is dangling him from the end of a pole.
In the second trailer, Link is briefly seen running headlong from a giant, black, one-eyed spider through a network of caves. This may be a more classical rendition of Gohma, a giant tektite, or a new enemy altogether. Also, in the E3 2006 trailer a large, one-eyed, underwater worm was shown.
<a id="faq40"></a>40. <b>What are the controls on the Gamecube?</b><br>
The controls for the GameCube version are exactly the same as the controls for The Wind Waker as far as we know. A is action; B is sword; C-stick is camera; X, Y, and Z are items; L is lock-on/center the camera; and R is shield/crawl.
<a id="faq41"></a>41. <b>Are the controls different on the Wii?</b><br>
The Wii version will obviously make use of the Wiimote along with the analog attachment. Of course, the analog stick moves Link around, and the A button is still action, and B is still your sword. Left, Right, and Down on the D-Pad are your items and Up summons Midna. The Z1 shoulder button on the analog attachment is for locking-on and centering the camera. The Z2 trigger button sends Link into first-person view manually. To change items, point the Wiimote at one of the items slots and press A, and select your new item with A. This is said to be just as easy as clicking a menu with your mouse.
<a id="faq42"></a>42. <b>How do I throw a boomerang or fire an arrow like in the E3 trailer?</b><br>
When using an item that requires you to go into the first-person (i.e. bow and arrow or boomerang), a targeting icon will appear on the screen. Point the Wiimote on screen using the icon to aim. If you move your pointer outside of the "aiming circle" the entire screen will move instead of just the pointer.
<a id="faq43"></a>43. <b>Does the Wiimote allow free range of motion with swordplay?</b><br>
The Wii version does NOT allow you free range of motion with swordplay (a.k.a. swinging the Wiimote to swing your sword), but there are some "shortcuts" that the Wiimote allows.
<a id="faq44"></a>44. <b>Can Link steal and use enemy weapons?</b><br>
Yes it does seem possible. Footage from E3 2005 shows Link sneaking up on, and stealing a sword from a fellow who has invited him to do so. If Link successfully steals the sword, the man will give a brief tutorial of how to use the basic features.
<a id="faq45"></a>45. <b>Can I use weapons when being Wolf Link?</b><br>
No, it is believed Wolf Link will rely on his abilities as a Wolf and will not be able to use his inventory of weapons.
<a id="faq46"></a>46. <b>Are there any new weapons in the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
The E³ 2006 demo revealed the return of the Iron Boots, along with a new version of the Hookshot, Which is called the Clawshot.
In a recent piece of artwork, Link is depicted holding the Master Sword, confirming its appearance in the game.
<a id="faq47"></a>47. <b>What magical items can Link use?</b><br>
Currently no magical items have been unveiled although rest assured that Link is pretty much guaranteed to pick some up on the way.
<a id="faq48"></a>48. <b>Can link carry more inventory than previous games?</b><br>
Currently it is only known that Link is now capable of carrying items on his head and over his shoulder. Whether this allows him to carry more inventory is unknown although it is believed the more items Link carries the slower his movement will be.
<a id="faq49"></a>49. <b>Can I adjust the camera view and angles?</b><br>
We have yet to see any free camera motion like in TWW for the Wii version. This may be just like in OoT where you can only center your camera with the Z1 button. You can also go into the first-person view by pressing the Z2 button.
<a id="faq50"></a>50. <b>Can Link go fishing again in TP?</b><br>
Yes, the very popular fishing mini-game has returned in TP. It was revealed by Eiji Aonuma that unlike the fishing in Ocarina of Time, Link will be able to take his boat to different areas to fish. It has been hinted that one of its final uses may be to fish up a boss that Link must then defeat.
<a id="faq51"></a>51. <b>Can link fully swim in TP?</b><br>
Link cannot move freely underwater. Swimming will work just like it did in OoT.
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Here are 51 of the most common asked questions for the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
01. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq1">What is the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?</a><br>
02. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq2">Are there any differences between the GameCube version and the Wii version?</a><br>
03. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq3">Does the Gamecube version support a widescreen format?</a><br>
04. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq4">I heard the Wii can play GameCube titles, can I just use my Gamecube copy on the Wii?</a><br>
05. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq5">When is the game due for release?</a><br>
06. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq6">Is it true this is the longest Zelda game so far?</a><br>
07. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq7">Is the Twilight Princess a lot harder than previous titles?</a><br>
08. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq8">What's the age rating?</a><br>
09. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq9">Does the Twilight Princess use Cel-shading?</a><br>
10. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq10">Does the game carry on from Wind Waker?</a><br>
11. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq11">I noticed there was some lag or slowdown in a few of the E3 trailers battle scenes, is this a cause for concern?</a><br>
12. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq12">How old is link in the game?</a><br>
13. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq13">I heard this is a new link?</a><br>
14. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq14">How can there be another Link, there's only ever been one?</a><br>
15. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq15">What is the Wolf I see in the trailers?</a><br>
16. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq16">What is the Twilight Realm?</a><br>
17. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq17">Does Link have any special powers as a Wolf?</a><br>
18. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq18">Who do I see riding on Wolf Links back in the trailer?</a><br>
19. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq19">Who is Midna?</a><br>
20. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq20">Is Midna Link's shadow?</a><br>
21. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq21">Who is the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
22. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq22">Why is she wearing Majora's mask?</a><br>
23. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq23">In the E3 trailer there is a girl in a black robe, who is it?</a><br>
24. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq24">How has Link's Tunic changed in the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
25. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq25">Will the Twilight Princess feature horse riding?</a><br>
26. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq26">Can link ride other animals?</a><br>
27. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq27">Will Epona be links horse again?</a><br>
28. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq28">Does Princess Zelda feature in the game?</a><br>
29. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq29">Is she a playable character?</a><br>
30. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq30">Does Ganon (Ganondorf) play a part in the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
31. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq31">Who is Colin?</a><br>
32. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq32">Who is Ilia?</a><br>
33. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq33">Will the Gorons/ Zoras/Gerudos/the Shiekah species be in the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
34. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq34">Who is the fairy that follows link everywhere?</a><br>
35. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq35">What Environments will Link have to battle through?</a><br>
36. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq36">Are any other characters known?</a><br>
37. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq37">How large is the Hyrule kingdom?</a><br>
38. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq38">What enemies are back in TP?</a><br>
39. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq39">What Bosses does Link have to battle against?</a><br>
40. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq40">What are the controls on the Gamecube?</a><br>
41. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq41">Are the controls different on the Wii?</a><br>
42. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq42">How do I throw a boomerang or fire an arrow like in the E3 trailer?</a><br>
43. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq43">Does the Wiimote allow free range of motion with swordplay?</a><br>
44. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq44">Can Link steal and use enemy weapons?</a><br>
45. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq45">Can I use weapons when being Wolf Link?</a><br>
46. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq46">Are there any new weapons in the Twilight Princess?</a><br>
47. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq47">What magical items can Link use?</a><br>
48. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq48">Can link carry more inventory than previous games?</a><br>
49. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq49">Can I adjust the camera view and angles?</a><br>
50. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq50">Can Link go fishing again in TP?</a><br>
51. <A HREF="http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-articles/2132-51-most-commonly-asked-twilight-princess-questions.html#faq51">Can link fully swim in TP?</a><br>
<a id="faq1"></a>1. <b>What is the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?</b><br>
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the latest in the Legend of Zelda series, this time Links adventures take place on both the Gamecube and upcoming Wii consoles.
<a id="faq2"></a>2. <b>Are there any differences between the GameCube version and the Wii version?</b><br>
In terms of gameplay and features, no. Both titles have the same storyline and gameplay features, the major difference being the Wii's use of motion sensitivity and interaction.
Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed in an interview that the only differences between the GameCube and Wii versions of the Twilight Princess are technical.
<a id="faq3"></a>3. <b>Does the Gamecube version support a widescreen format?</b><br>
No, Gamecube version plays only in 4:3 whereas the Wii version will also display in a 16:9 (widescreen) format in 480p.
<a id="faq4"></a>4. <b>I heard the Wii can play GameCube titles, can I just use my Gamecube copy on the Wii?</b><br>
Yes that's true, the Wii will run the Gamecube version of TP, only the Wiimotes functionality will not be there and instead you will have to use the Gamecube controller.
<a id="faq5"></a>5. <b>When is the game due for release?</b><br>
The game is currently dated for the same day release of the Wii console itself, which currently has not yet been revealed.
<a id="faq6"></a>6. <b>Is it true this is the longest Zelda game so far?</b><br>
TP developer Eiji Aonuma confirmed the games length to be over 100 hours in an interview with Korean site Ruliweb.com.
It has also been confirmed that the game will be at least 2 to 3 times bigger than The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, with an estimated length of 70 hours.
In an interview, one of the creators said that there will be 100 hours of gameplay. Now that most likely includes all the side quests and everything, but this is still significantly longer than any other Zelda, so expect lots of long dungeons and tons of side quests.
<a id="faq7"></a>7. <b>Is the Twilight Princess a lot harder than previous titles?</b><br>
As of yet there has been no confirmation from Nintendo either way on this, although some industry reporters speculate it to be the most difficult Zelda ever, but we'll have to wait for its release to really find out.
<a id="faq8"></a>8. <b>What's the age rating?</b><br>
No official word yet but going by past titles all of the previous Zelda's have been rated E. Twilight Princess is a bit edgier, so it may be rated E10+ or even T.<br>
An M rating is highly doubtful.
<a id="faq9"></a>9. <b>Does the Twilight Princess use Cel-shading?</b><br>
Yes, but not to the extent of Wind Waker. It features a stylized, naturalistic art style, rather than the cartoonish look that Wind Waker exhibited. It still however makes use of cel-shading effects by using a heavily modified version of the Wind Waker's engine.
<a id="faq10"></a>10. <b>Does the game carry on from Wind Waker?</b><br>
The Twilight Princess is said to take place decades after Ocarina of Time but a long time before the Wind Waker.
<a id="faq11"></a>11. <b>I noticed there was some lag or slowdown in a few of the E3 trailers battle scenes, is this a cause for concern?</b><br>
What you saw on the E3 demo trailers was NOT game lag or any form of slowdown. It is infact intentional to create a stylistic effect. The game slows slightly whenever you get a large hit in on your opponents. This slight slowdown was also in TWW
<a id="faq12"></a>12. <b>How old is link in the game?</b><br>
Link is rumored to begin the game at 16 years old although he will age throughout the game. Though it is yet kept under wraps how it will exactly unfold, we will see Link as a child, as an adolescent and as an adult.
<a id="faq13"></a>13. <b>I heard this is a new link?</b><br>
Yes, the hero in the adventure is said to be an all-new Link
<a id="faq14"></a>14. <b>How can there be another Link, there's only ever been one?</b><br>
That is a common misconception. There are several Links throughout Zelda history. There are currently 9 Links, including Twilight Princess Link.
<a id="faq15"></a>15. <b>What is the Wolf I see in the trailers?</b><br>
The Wolf is the creature Link turns into once he enters the Twilight Realm.
<a id="faq16"></a>16. <b>What is the Twilight Realm?</b><br>
Little is known about the Twilight Realm besides the fact that it is slowly taking over Hyrule, and that humans cannot exist there. Any human that visits the Twilight Realm transform into the animal that most closely represents them.
<a id="faq17"></a>17. <b>Does Link have any special powers as a Wolf?</b><br>
Currently little is known about Link's powers as a Wolf, although it is suggested that Wolf Link will have extraordinary hearing and the ability to communicate with other animals. Wolf Link also has the ability to attack with his claws and teeth.
<a id="faq18"></a>18. <b>Who do I see riding on Wolf Links back in the trailer?</b><br>
That is Links companion Midna.
<a id="faq19"></a>19. <b>Who is Midna?</b><br>
Midna is a new character to the Zelda games and only appears in the Twilight Realm. At a certain point in the game she decides to team up with Link to fight a "greater evil" that she cannot overcome alone. Little is known about Midna, only that she disappears when Link leaves the Twilight Realm but is said to stay with him in another form.
<a id="faq20"></a>20. <b>Is Midna Link's shadow?</b><br>
As Midna is a resident of the Twilight Realm it is believed she changes form when in the Human world, it has been speculated that she becomes Links shadow.
<a id="faq21"></a>21. <b>Who is the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
In an IGN video Midna is seen appearing out of Link's shadow. This has led many to believe Midna is the Twilight Princess. It is confirmed Midna is female, and the only character known to have lived in the Twilight Realm for a longer extent than Zelda.
<a id="faq22"></a>22. <b>Why is she wearing Majora's mask?</b><br>
She isn't. Midna's headdress/mask looks only vaguely like Majora's Mask. Probably because the same developers who worked on previous Zelda games like Majora's Mask are working on Twilight Princess and designed Midna's headdress. Apart from that there is no other connection between the two.
<a id="faq23"></a>23. <b>In the E3 trailer there is a girl in a black robe, who is it?</b><br>
That is the new Zelda. Her robe is that of a Japanese funeral robe. She wears it because she is mourning the loss of Hyrule. It is rumored that the robe protects her from the Twilight Realm's effect, since she is a human.
<a id="faq24"></a>24. <b>How has Link's Tunic changed in the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
Link's costume takes on a much more lifelike appearance than previous installments, with a plainly seen woven tunic. A hat that seems to be stitched together that makes it seem more hand made, the iron boots, and mail, to give extra protection during melee battles.
<a id="faq25"></a>25. <b>Will the Twilight Princess feature horse riding?</b><br>
Yes the Twilight Princess will make good use of Links horse riding abilities along with mounted combat situations.
<a id="faq26"></a>26. <b>Can link ride other animals?</b><br>
Yes it is believed so. In the second trailer also shows that Link can ride the boars when their original riders are gone.
<a id="faq27"></a>27. <b>Will Epona be links horse again?</b><br>
Yes and No. With where TP is in the timeline, Epona would either be extremely old or dead. But you can name your horse whatever you want, and the default name is Epona.
<a id="faq28"></a>28. <b>Does Princess Zelda feature in the game?</b><br>
It is believed the cloaked woman in the E3 trailer is Princess Zelda, although her part in the game is yet to be detailed.
<a id="faq29"></a>29. <b>Is she a playable character?</b><br>
Whether or not she will fight in the game has not been confirmed, TP Developer Eiji Aonuma however has stated that she will not be taking up her traditional role.
<a id="faq30"></a>30. <b>Does Ganon (Ganondorf) play a part in the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
It was announced in Nintendo Power (vol. 193) that Ganon will be in Twilight Princess, and that Nintendo is "preparing more than you could possibly ever, ever, ever expect".
<a id="faq31"></a>31. <b>Who is Colin?</b><br>
Colin is Links friend from Toaru village. Colin is captured along with a few other villagers by a horde of beasts.
<a id="faq32"></a>32. <b>Who is Ilia?</b><br>
Ilia is one of Link's closest friends. She is also extremely close with nature, and heals Link's horse when it is hurt jumping fences.
<a id="faq33"></a>33. <b>Will the Gorons/ Zoras/Gerudos/the Shiekah species be in the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
Yes, it's been confirmed several times. In the second trailer, Link was shown sparring with a Goron. Later, in an interview on of the creators confirmed that Gorons would make a return. And at E3 2006, the playable dungeon is called "Goron Mines."
In the same interview where Gorons were confirmed, it was also stated that some other species would make their return also. It was mainly hinting at Zoras, but Gerudos and the Shiekah are thought to be possible.
For those hoping Shiek makes a return, I think you'll be disappointed. First, the Zelda in this game is NOT the Zelda from OoT. Second, if OoT Zelda is still around, she would have no reason to be running around as a Shiekah, especially at what her age would be. I say forget Shiek and hope for the whole Shiekah tribe is in it.
<a id="faq34"></a>34. <b>Who is the fairy that follows link everywhere?</b><br>
That fairy icon is the in-game pointer, showing you where you are pointing the Wiimote on screen. Several sites have called the fairy Navi, but it probably isn't her, and the fairy has no plot significance.
<a id="faq35"></a>35. <b>What Environments will Link have to battle through?</b><br>
As with the other Zelda games, Links journey will take him across many varied landscapes and environments, and the Twilight Princess is no exception.
Along with the many dungeons Link will encounter the Twilight Realm, forest and open fields along with the small village where Link lives.
There are also mountain areas, where Link was seen apparently sparring with a Goron. Later pictures introduced a market scene, and snowy area where wolf-Link was running. The demo shown at E3 2006 indicated that Twilight Princess will see a changing of seasons.
<a id="faq36"></a>36. <b>Are any other characters known?</b><br>
Going by the official E3 2006 footage and other trailers there are only a few other characters known about. Ofcourse we have Links Horse (Name can be chosen by the player, but demos have shown the name Epona), and three other characters featured in the trailers.
* Raka (tall and thin)<br>
* Tobi (short and tubby) - two clownlike characters<br>
* Hena, a young woman who runs the fishing lake featured in the demo at E3 2006<br>
<a id="faq37"></a>37. <b>How large is the Hyrule kingdom?</b><br>
In terms of gameplay time it is believed to take 45minutes to ride horse back across Hyrule.
<a id="faq38"></a>38. <b>What enemies are back in TP?</b><br>
Not much is currently known about the enemies in the game; while some enemies from previous Zelda games return, as seen in the third official trailer, there are also many new creatures.
Keese, Stalfos, Moblins, Bokoblins, Lizalfos (and/or Dinolfos) can all be seen in the TP trailers along with an array of huge spiders Their appearance is reminiscent of a Skulltula, although the skull is only a pattern on the abdomen, whereas the Skulltulas in the N64 games were smaller and had a skull-shaped armored carapace.
Flying, dragon-like creatures have been featured in a few trailers, both flying in the Twilight Realm (in the E3 2005 trailer) and pestering Link while he is on horseback (in the GDC 2005 trailer).
<a id="faq39"></a>39. <b>What Bosses does Link have to battle against?</b><br>
Link will have to battle against a number of big Bosses in TP, however only a handful are currently known.
These include a Fire Boss seen in the original Zelda Trailer at E³ 2004.
The Fire Boss is a giant figure of flame with a dangerous-looking chain, which was used as a whip to knock Link to the ground in the Goron Mines. When Link enters the boss room, the monster seems to be captured in some way (there are chains securing its arms to two columns and it legs to the floor).
Another boss or mini-boss battle is a sort of jousting match with an ugly creature riding a huge armored boar. To raise the stakes, the creature has abducted a village boy, Colin, and is dangling him from the end of a pole.
In the second trailer, Link is briefly seen running headlong from a giant, black, one-eyed spider through a network of caves. This may be a more classical rendition of Gohma, a giant tektite, or a new enemy altogether. Also, in the E3 2006 trailer a large, one-eyed, underwater worm was shown.
<a id="faq40"></a>40. <b>What are the controls on the Gamecube?</b><br>
The controls for the GameCube version are exactly the same as the controls for The Wind Waker as far as we know. A is action; B is sword; C-stick is camera; X, Y, and Z are items; L is lock-on/center the camera; and R is shield/crawl.
<a id="faq41"></a>41. <b>Are the controls different on the Wii?</b><br>
The Wii version will obviously make use of the Wiimote along with the analog attachment. Of course, the analog stick moves Link around, and the A button is still action, and B is still your sword. Left, Right, and Down on the D-Pad are your items and Up summons Midna. The Z1 shoulder button on the analog attachment is for locking-on and centering the camera. The Z2 trigger button sends Link into first-person view manually. To change items, point the Wiimote at one of the items slots and press A, and select your new item with A. This is said to be just as easy as clicking a menu with your mouse.
<a id="faq42"></a>42. <b>How do I throw a boomerang or fire an arrow like in the E3 trailer?</b><br>
When using an item that requires you to go into the first-person (i.e. bow and arrow or boomerang), a targeting icon will appear on the screen. Point the Wiimote on screen using the icon to aim. If you move your pointer outside of the "aiming circle" the entire screen will move instead of just the pointer.
<a id="faq43"></a>43. <b>Does the Wiimote allow free range of motion with swordplay?</b><br>
The Wii version does NOT allow you free range of motion with swordplay (a.k.a. swinging the Wiimote to swing your sword), but there are some "shortcuts" that the Wiimote allows.
<a id="faq44"></a>44. <b>Can Link steal and use enemy weapons?</b><br>
Yes it does seem possible. Footage from E3 2005 shows Link sneaking up on, and stealing a sword from a fellow who has invited him to do so. If Link successfully steals the sword, the man will give a brief tutorial of how to use the basic features.
<a id="faq45"></a>45. <b>Can I use weapons when being Wolf Link?</b><br>
No, it is believed Wolf Link will rely on his abilities as a Wolf and will not be able to use his inventory of weapons.
<a id="faq46"></a>46. <b>Are there any new weapons in the Twilight Princess?</b><br>
The E³ 2006 demo revealed the return of the Iron Boots, along with a new version of the Hookshot, Which is called the Clawshot.
In a recent piece of artwork, Link is depicted holding the Master Sword, confirming its appearance in the game.
<a id="faq47"></a>47. <b>What magical items can Link use?</b><br>
Currently no magical items have been unveiled although rest assured that Link is pretty much guaranteed to pick some up on the way.
<a id="faq48"></a>48. <b>Can link carry more inventory than previous games?</b><br>
Currently it is only known that Link is now capable of carrying items on his head and over his shoulder. Whether this allows him to carry more inventory is unknown although it is believed the more items Link carries the slower his movement will be.
<a id="faq49"></a>49. <b>Can I adjust the camera view and angles?</b><br>
We have yet to see any free camera motion like in TWW for the Wii version. This may be just like in OoT where you can only center your camera with the Z1 button. You can also go into the first-person view by pressing the Z2 button.
<a id="faq50"></a>50. <b>Can Link go fishing again in TP?</b><br>
Yes, the very popular fishing mini-game has returned in TP. It was revealed by Eiji Aonuma that unlike the fishing in Ocarina of Time, Link will be able to take his boat to different areas to fish. It has been hinted that one of its final uses may be to fish up a boss that Link must then defeat.
<a id="faq51"></a>51. <b>Can link fully swim in TP?</b><br>
Link cannot move freely underwater. Swimming will work just like it did in OoT.
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