Zomg! 45 Minutes? Will our Epona come with stations to tune into while on the voyage? I dont know if I could endure 45 minutes of 'kha-tha-thom kha-tha-thom NEIGHHHHH'... though the creatures along the way will certainly be fun to bash in a rage every now and then. *shrug*
There is no pleasing some of you people, is there? First, you complain that some games take like 7 hours to complete, and now when a truly fantastic game that set the standard for fantasy type games states that it's "bigger and beter and larger', you HAVE to complain. I don't see why.
Anyways, all I cam say is bpout time a Zelda game had a large scale map...I'm positively elated!
The size of the map deffinitely meets my expectations! :smilewinkgrin:
When you look back on hyrule field in OoT it makes you think... "was Epona REALLY needed? :wtf:". Where as this will leave no room for doubt. The horse will play a much better needed role then just jumping the broken bridge into Gerudo Valley or getting the Bigoran Sword.
A trusty Knight and his noble Steed :smilewinkgrin: