42" Hdtv


WiiChat Member
Jan 28, 2007
Hey, i have a 42" LG HDTV.

Im using the scart cables that came with it,

is there any way of getting all round better quality sound image ect.

Appart from component cables.

Anyone know how?
you can mess with your tv settings...

sorry, there is no magic cure for your problem

I'm not shure why all you guys are having problems with bad picture on your HDTVs I have a samsung 60 inch dlp hd and mine looks just fine.. its not hd material but its not bad either i dont have mosaic pixelation blurr or any of this reported stuff... i have a game mode setting tho... maybe thats whats makin it better? no idea
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no its not a bad picture but is there anyway of getting it better,
only way of getting better is with better inputs, get component leads you will not be disapointed. As for all the problems with TV's, I have a 32 LG HDTV running on component and it looks fantastic, I think the problem is with people buying massive TV's sitting close and the wondering why they can see jaggies. Of course you are going to be able to see inperfections on a huge TV with a higher native resolution, serves you right for getting a TV too big :p .
OOO i no!!!:) U have da egzaket same tv as me!Anyway u can buy this "HDTV cables" dat are spechil for hdtv like ours, i perronaly dont see any problams wit the grafs but ill problady buy them enventtualy!!hope i helped

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