40% off Selected Sega Virtual Console Games!


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
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Tis the session to be giving and Sega are giving us 40% off some of there games.

via Segas blog said:
Listen up Sega Mega Fans, we have an incredible holiday deal for those of you among us with a Wii. For a limited time only grab our best selling Virtual Console titles for 40% off! That means instead of paying the usual 800 Wii Points, you’ll be able to take home some of our most cherished Sega Genesis games for the low low price of 500 Wii Points. Start saving on December 24th, but don’t wait too long – this awesome deal ends January 6th 2010. Scroll down to see the games offered at this discount!
Take your pick from Sega’s holiday sample platter – double dipping is highly encouraged:

• Sonic The Hedgehog
• Sonic The Hedgehog 2
• Sonic The Hedgehog 3
• Gunstar Heroes
• Toe Jam & Earl
• Puyo Puyo 2
• Shining Force
• Golden Axe
• Altered Beast
• Streets Of Rage 2

These are recommended
Gunstar Heroes
Shining force
Streets of Rage 2
Sonic 2/3
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Tis the session to be giving and Sega are giving us 40% off some of there games.

via Segas blog said:
Listen up Sega Mega Fans, we have an incredible holiday deal for those of you among us with a Wii. For a limited time only grab our best selling Virtual Console titles for 40% off! That means instead of paying the usual 800 Wii Points, you’ll be able to take home some of our most cherished Sega Genesis games for the low low price of 500 Wii Points. Start saving on December 24th, but don’t wait too long – this awesome deal ends January 6th 2010. Scroll down to see the games offered at this discount!
Take your pick from Sega’s holiday sample platter – double dipping is highly encouraged:

• Sonic The Hedgehog
• Sonic The Hedgehog 2
• Sonic The Hedgehog 3
• Gunstar Heroes
• Toe Jam & Earl
• Puyo Puyo 2
• Shining Force
• Golden Axe
• Altered Beast
• Streets Of Rage 2

These are recommended
Gunstar Heroes
Shining force
Streets of Rage 2
Sonic 2/3

What time is it!! It's time for BoZ to do his happy dance, because he gets these VC/WiiWare's forz free! but, on topic, they really need some more sega games in there, and what about sonic & knuckles, or knuckles in sonic 2?? those were games that worked, they should add those in their..
i already had sonic 2 but i picked up 1 and 3..

was gonna get streets of rage but i already have final fight so i passed.

was going to get altered beast but got it for arcade instead.
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i already had sonic 2 but i picked up 1 and 3..

was gonna get streets of rage but i already have final fight so i passed.

was going to get altered beast but got it for arcade instead.

Streets of Rage 2>SNES Final Fight.
Its so close to being SoR2>FF arcade

Altered Beast?
More like ATurd Beast
Wasted 1,500 points on that gay Poke Rumble game, so im thinking about getting Shinig Force...Is this a good idea? I already read the reviews(ign gave it an 8.5/10 i think)but i wanna know what you guys think.
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Wasted 1,500 points on that gay Poke Rumble game, so im thinking about getting Shinig Force...Is this a good idea? I already read the reviews(ign gave it an 8.5/10 i think)but i wanna know what you guys think.

Im a fan of the original saga of the Shining games, but ill keep my fanboyisum out

Its one for strategy rpg fans mostly
It is not a "Quick go" game as some battles can take up to a hour
If you have ever played Fire Embelum, Disgaea or final fantasy tactics and liked them its one for you
I have Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection which I do believe contains all of these titles...
Wasted 1,500 points on that gay Poke Rumble game, so im thinking about getting Shinig Force...Is this a good idea? I already read the reviews(ign gave it an 8.5/10 i think)but i wanna know what you guys think.

Im a fan of the original saga of the Shining games, but ill keep my fanboyisum out

Its one for strategy rpg fans mostly
It is not a "Quick go" game as some battles can take up to a hour
If you have ever played Fire Embelum, Disgaea or final fantasy tactics and liked them its one for you

I just played the beginning levels, and i have to say, it was worth the 500 wii points. I like that it takes some actual strategy, and the 30+ playable characters i read about should provide a little depth...

Would i get Shining Force 2? Maybe in the future, but for now im going to save up for majoras mask and soldiers of war(i think thats the name)for the wiiware.
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I have Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection which I do believe contains all of these titles...
Not Gunstar heroes, Puyo puyo 2 and Toe jam and Earl
But the middle one is also has a version of the game called Dr Robotnicks Mean bean machine

I just played the beginning levels, and i have to say, it was worth the 500 wii points. I like that it takes some actual strategy, and the 30+ playable characters i read about should provide a little depth...

Would i get Shining Force 2? Maybe in the future, but for now im going to save up for majoras mask and soldiers of war(i think thats the name)for the wiiware.

The second one is even better
You will never have the full team of 30 characters in the same battle
I cant remember but I think theres a max of ten

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