3DS friends code exchange.

hey :) i need friends on my 3ds! My code is 167642100616:yesnod::papermario: send me a email to sam_crop@hotmail.com of your friend code if your interested

my friend code is 167642100616:yesnod: i added your friend code i just need you to add mine :)

I registered your friend code, now all you need to do is register mine, 167642100616:papermario:

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If anyone is interested in being friends, I am looking for mature players ranging from 24 and up (I'm 24, myself.)! ^__^* Just send me a message letting me know who you are and we can get our gaming rolling! Just got my 3DS for Christmas and so far, I have Cooking Mama and Nintendogs+Cats! ^______^*

My 3DS FC is: 0387-9253-6784
Ive added you! I just need you to add my friend code, youll be my first friend :) 167642100616

I just got mine to! My friend code is 167642100616 :) i added you

my friend code is 167642100616:yesnod: i added your friend code i just need you to add mine :) everyone add me!! and let me know so can add you to​

i added you, my friend code is 167642100616
add me for fun my 3ds FC-2320-6531-0877 ill add anyone

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If anyone is interested in being friends, I am looking for mature players ranging from 24 and up (I'm 24, myself.)! ^__^* Just send me a message letting me know who you are and we can get our gaming rolling! Just got my 3DS for Christmas and so far, I have Cooking Mama and Nintendogs+Cats! ^______^*

My 3DS FC is: 0387-9253-6784

Hi,I added you ...my 3DS FC is 2148 8533 3396 Fiktor :)
Wait, Sam has thrown this whole topic off by not specifying who he added. Fiktor, since you specified yourself to me, could you message me your FC so that I can keep inventoryof it? Everyone, I'm only interested in players my age (24 and up!) for my 3ds, alrighty? No jailbaits. LOL! No, really...I'm serious.
3ds friend code : 1934 1167 5138

i have your code now here is my code 0301-9780-5756 my name is jesse gauthier or just jesse please add me as soon as you can thanks

i added everyone here

my 3ds friend code is 1934 1167 5138
my 3ds friend code is 1934 1167 5138

plz add me i added everyone here

my 3ds friend code is 1934 1167 5138

i added everyone so plz add me

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