30 something gamer


WiiChat Member
Nov 12, 2010
Wii Online Code
Hello guys & girls,

I have just taken the plunge and bought a Wii.

Got it yesterday and would like to make some new Wii friends.
Been playing Mario Kart and Goldeneye so far and would like to play with some friends.

I am a longtime gamer and actually run my own forum/review site for XBOX 360 gamers and achievement hunters.

Really looking forward to playing alot more nintendo again as I loved my GC and N64 years ago and still have them:yesnod:

I think this is my mariokart Code 2537-0119-3705

Wii number 4632 2476 3623 8308

Would be cool if some of you add me.

Teggit an old dude
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im close to being 30 but not quite XD how is golden eye? are you getting black ops? its pretty sic but they left out a few things on the wii like the flamethrower and other customization crap :/ its like waw and mwr put together
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Thanks for the welcome guys, I did not get any friend requests though:frown5:
You have to add Us back :p lol you dont get requests on wii :p but go to wii message board , creat new message, address book , register , then wii and add me wii friend code 2295 6966 7469 5752 then nickname Kat =)
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