Eddienoteddy mii love wii Feb 13, 2007 244 6 CT Wii Online Code 1656-4947-1080-8284 Feb 22, 2008 #1 http://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-Supe..._m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1M7XQ46TB4S16QQ6Y1GQ
AoWFraggit WiiChat Member Dec 30, 2007 1,045 11 Wii Online Code 8480-0209-2306-3955 Feb 22, 2008 #2 why is this game still normally priced at $50 when it's been over a year since its release? :wtf:
OP Eddienoteddy mii love wii Feb 13, 2007 244 6 CT Wii Online Code 1656-4947-1080-8284 Feb 22, 2008 Thread Starter Thread starter #3 it's been out about 10 months but it's still 50$ because its a grade A title..IGN score of 8.9 http://wii.ign.com/objects/853/853822.html
it's been out about 10 months but it's still 50$ because its a grade A title..IGN score of 8.9 http://wii.ign.com/objects/853/853822.html