2nd Shipment + My Story!


Stepmania God
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code
Alright, so I went to camp for the Wii outside Bestbuy. I left my house at 3:00am, and went with a friend. We lined up, and waited for some hours, and then when the manager arrived, she said there were only 55 units (despite the rumours going around the line of 80 units). So my place in line was 59, but I decided to be hopeful and stay anyways, when I got the door I wasn't 59 after all!! I was 56. The first person to get dejected! Owch was that suck!

Anyways. I've called stores like crazy this week. I know a nearby store plans to get more wednesday night, and that bestbuy is supposed to get a shipment for friday, my question is, do you think theres going to be lineups for the second shipment? Do you think theres going to be campers? Is it even legal to camp after premier dates? Or should I just go VERY early to bestbuy if I dont get it from the other store on thursday.
I SERIOUSLY doubt that there will be a line on the second shipment. And is it really illegal to camp outside when it's a not a premier night. I just thought you were able to anytime, release date or not. Or maybe you're not really supposed to but they allow it on release nites.
Idk, but that would've sucked :(
:scared: Well, good luck !
actually im planning on getting a wii on the second shipment also and i Know there will be a line beacuse there are many people who didnt get one and if ure stores releasing them on bkack friday :mad5: good luck:mad5: personally i think ima get there @ about 2am or so to assure myself of a wii
Xepher__ said:
Is it even legal to camp after premier dates?.

It depends on the property owner. If the management doesn't want you to be there, they can kick you out. There were a lot of stores around my area (Best Buy and Target) that didn't allow people to wait in line but instead had to wait in their cars or even worse outside the property making it a local government responsiblity, i.e. law enforcement.

Worse case scenario (regarding ps3s) people were in line at a best buy about a week before launch and had already camped out 4 days until property management decided to kick them out.

bottom line: premiere date or not, its all up to managment
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So I assume going uber early will not be entirely neccessary? The store opens at 10:00am, I was thinking about checking it out at 8. God...missing school for a video game...Damn you 2006 society.
Xepher__ said:
So I assume going uber early will not be entirely neccessary? The store opens at 10:00am, I was thinking about checking it out at 8. God...missing school for a video game...Damn you 2006 society.
Lmao ill go check the NEXT DAY, If there is none ill wait another week, But its not like im aloud to play it anyways :(

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