2012 conspiracy

Pfft, these conspiracy's pop up every few years. Not the first one i witnessed in my life time.
Its a scam people, they are gonna lose billions because of a dead race.

Old people, always want money for nothing
Umm, the mayans have predicted eclipses and other cosmic wonders... so there's a valid reason to believe them.

Besides, it isn't a conspiracy... the mayans never planned murders are anything. They were a smart race, they used logical methods (MATH!) to create a calender with events that hadn't occured yet in their time... but soon came true.

The chances of it coming true are just as likely as them being false. After all, every Mayan prediction has come true...

But I do hope they're wrong. And seeing "2012" is based on the mayan calender ending... it's likely to be aroused suspicion, nothing more.

Hoorah for Living another 60 years!
...Would you carry that freaking calendar on? No. We're all too lazy, that's exactly what happened.
I believe that transformers will come to earth, but the deceptitrons cannot find a cube so they kill everyone, yep im right.
Time to show off more of my astrophysics knowledge. :D

samXcor3 said:
what exaclty would be so terrible about the earth flipping magnetic poles?

It could cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

daviduk200 said:
honestly i believe its a load of pish, nothing to worry about,

one thing i truly do worry about, is if our galaxy/ solar syatem stumbels. upon a black whole, or the sun becomes unstable causeing it to implode/explode

and i do worry about these things sometime, i mean any idea how painfull being sucked into a black whole would be?

Luckily the chances of the the Solar System chancing upon going past a black hole are quite small. The Sun is eventually going to become unstable in about 5 billion years, it won't quite explode, but it'll throw off its outer layers. As for falling into black hole, I'm not sure but I think you'd pass out before you were crushed to death.

D1nner said:
Seriously this stuff always makes my head explode.

Although, isn't the total amount of energy/matter in the universe constant? If matter enters a black hole into another universe, wouldn't that subtract energy/matter from ours and add it to the other? Unless that sub-universe counts as a part of ours, and so the total across both are still constant.

That is a perplexing puzzle that scientists don't quite know the answer to, but it is thought that black holes slowly give off Hawking radiation which would mean the total of the energy of the universe is kept at a constant.

crazyman2 said:
does anyone know why a blackhole can suck everything into it because of its massive gravitational force, even light. but how can it suck in light if light does not have a mass?

This is one of those things which highlights the failure of Newtonian physics, where it was believed that gravity was caused by two masses acting on each other. In fact gravity works by distorting the spacetime continuum, and a black hole causes such a huge disturbance (due to such a large mass concentrated in such a small space) that nothing can escape.
Physics is great isn't it? Getting to read Napalm's posts is very interesting. :) As for the topic, I will not be worrying about it as I said in the other thread.
killik119 said:
Emma, are you agreeing with me? I can't tell, that's why the internet sucks.


It's not going to happen, if it does, you still lose because we'd all be dead...
killik119 said:
The chances of it coming true are just as likely as them being false. After all, every Mayan prediction has come true...

hmm...did they predict their own downfall?? if you can point to that on the mayan calendar, i'll believe you.
Napalmbrain, that would be einsteins theories of relativity and crap. and by theories i mean none proven empirical facts. although what you said could be right when considering black holes. But since it is not believed a black hole has yet to be formed in the universe, it will be sometime before that can be proven. it is still generally accepted to be correct that gravity is caused by the attracting of 2 bodies of mass.