2007 - A New Start, A New Mii


WiiChat Member
Jan 17, 2007
:shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: Well I'm Mart.... I'm new here tonight....I've er, been Wii-ing since the 8th December, ..I've tried to stop but I can't...so glad to have found you all....I'm out of control...its taken over.....was worried I was on my own............

Maybe you could meet Mii on 1539 2065 0237 1271?

Would love have some new little friends on my Wii - how 'bout it?
Heya and welcome to the forums. :)

I'd like to add you but not till I get my main pc back and buy myself a wireless router.
yeah i'll add you, add me first i'll add you later. message back here when you do and please send a mii asap so i can put it on your profile. i will do the same. would do it now but too busy playing zelda
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Hey Wii17....
Your Wii no. on your graphic has a 6 on the end but it should be a 5?
Just added you, hows Adelaide, travelled there a few years ago, stayed at Cannon Street Lodge....
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Thanks for reply, nice to hear from you. Register me up when your good and ready.....

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