1v1 brawl league

Answer my question, Lastwords. >.> What time is it over there? It's 7:45 PM here, so it's pretty much time for my match with 0suitowner.
okI know hold on 5:00

Alright, I'll log on and wait.

Its almost 7 here.
Im an hour earlier than you.

Ah, ok. 7:20 your time is probably good, although I might be a few minutes late due to my other match. A match it is, then.

To make it simple, you save and send the replays to Real-o; I might get them mixed up with me and 0suitowner's replays. I'll save them just incase, though.

2 stock, 3 min, Final Destination, no items. Simple, standard rules, yeah?
yeah I suppose so Ck.
7:30/c to give you a bit more time ;)
Ill be on, meet you in 15mins. oh and first games warm up, no count.
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I'm already done, Lastwords. :p If you're ready, get online, alright?

And here's the results.

Match 1: CK
Match 2: CK

GGs 0suit, thanks for the matches. Now I'm ready to face Lastwords. :) Replays saved, and are going to be sent to Real-o once I add him.

EDIT: The results for me and Lastwords' Brawl have come in.

Match 1: CK
Match 2: CK

Remember, you're the one who's going to send the replays to Real-o, Lastwords. If you managed to forget though, I did indeed save them.
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I got my video capturer today and I am playing around with making some videos right now. I might post a sample in a little bit. Though I don't wanna confuse people by posting it here when it's not an official match...

@Bio: I still haven't received your replays. Try sending them again?

Also, anyone else who wants/needs to, try sending me replays. I'd bet it's a problem on my end but I don't know what it could be. :/
ck got 1 win I got 0...
Damn ck I forgot to save the replays... you have em right?

Wtf? aggro meta fd me up. Im not doin good today. or mayby its cuz thats my first match of the day.

Look at my old post Ck, first match didnt count. was warm up
Make that 2 wins, Lastwords. :p

You did forget? Damn Lastwords, you're so unreliable. :lol: I told you not to forget. >.> Yeah, I have them saved. Good thing I thought ahead. :p I'll send them to Real-o then, lol.
I will in a few mintues real.

Also want to match real?

CK im sorry my sister is playing so that isnt me playing you.
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Make that 2 wins, Lastwords. :p

You did forget? Damn Lastwords, you're so unreliable. :lol: I told you not to forget. >.> Yeah, I have them saved. Good thing I thought ahead. :p I'll send them to Real-o then, lol.

Damn fool no, I said first games a warm up. That was my first game of the day, AND I posted BEFORE the match saying 1st game doesnt count. Ill be more and happy to play you agian so you EARN the second win. But untill then Im only giving you credit for 1 win.

Ima get a lawyer ;)

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