1v1 brawl league

and if I'm not deemed as playing cheaply

It was right there in front of us the whole time! All we have to do is keep calling CK cheap and we topple him from his reign of terror :thumbsup:.

Yeah, I wouldnt be surprised if our vid. gets alot of attention. How I nearly took your title. I havent felt a rush like that in almost 2 years!

I know for sure I'll watch it. I'm guessing your regaining your tourney skills, because when I faced you there was no way you would of beat CK. I also watched your first vid against him (when you posted how close you were to winning), so you must be improving a lot. Too bad I didn't face you will your skills were still fuzzy :p.

Lol, yeah Ive been working hard to find the right key to unlock my 2year old tourny power. I havent found it yet, but Im getting alot closer. And yeah, our match... I kinda sucked... alot. But Im getting more stable.

Watch the vid. when real-o puts it up.
CK I'd like another official if you aren't too busy with other players.
Well... I guess I want to see how much you've improved.

Official Challenge:
I, kingslayer, officially challenge Lastwords? to a official 1v1 brawl league match. The time will be anywhere between 6-10 P.M., GMT -4, on April 27, 2009. The stages will consist of the stage choices of Final Destination, Corneria, or Smashville; these stages are debatable. The match will consist of no items and will be two stocks with a time limit of three minutes.

There we go... thought I'd fancy it up a bit :p.
CK I'd like another official if you aren't too busy with other players.

Too busy? I'm never too busy for an official. :) ... Except now, lol. I'm done brawling for today, but we can set something up. PM me, alright?
The 27th = tomorrow; today is the 26th. I can't do it today anyway... I'm suppose to be doing a research paper (if I don't turn it in = don't graduate), which is 25% of my overall final grade. I have to pass my A.P. English, and since I have done like nothing, so far, this is a real problem. Hopefully I can finish it (a C worthy paper :p) tonight, since it's due tomorrow.
@CK: Alright. I'll see what I can do.

Match Results:

Old (needs video or just recieved video):

  • Generalsma vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • Generalsma vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner: 1-0 (needs another match)
  • Bio vs. Generalsma: 0-2
  • JonRyan vs. Lastwords?: 0-2
  • SSBfreakCK vs. Bio: 2-0
  • JonRyan vs Bio: 1-2
  • Lastwords? vs. RedXIII101: 2-0
  • kingslayer vs. 0suitowner: 2-0
  • kingslayer vs. 0suitowner: 1-2
  • Bio vs. Lastwords?: 2-0
  • kingslayer vs. Generalsma: 0-2
  • Generalsma vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-0
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1


  • JonRyan vs Generalsma: 0-2
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Bio vs. Generalsma: 0-2
  • Lastwords? vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • ricomagik vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2


Pending Challenges:

Seeking Players:
  • Generalsma challenges Lastwords?
  • Generalsma challenges real-o
  • 0suitowner challenges Godstepk1d
  • 0suitowner challenges anyone
  • Bio challenges anyone

Ready to Fight:
  • 0suitowner vs. real-o
  • 0suitowner vs. Lastwords?
  • Godstepk1d vs. SSBfreakCK
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner (needs another match)
  • Lastwords? vs. JonRyan
  • Lastwords? vs. real-o
  • Envek vs. SSBfreakCK
  • kingslayer vs. Bio
  • kingslayer vs. Lastwords?
  • Bio vs. SSBfreakCK

  • ricomagik vs. Lastwords?: 2-1 (under review)
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You forgot to put -
Generalsma vs. kingslayer: 2-0

The results were posted a while ago, but maybe you didn't put it in because you haven't received the videos, yet.
Yup, completely missed it. Thanks for the heads-up. Looks like general posted the results of that match immediately before one of my updates. Editted it in.

Anyone down for an official?
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Also, I know I don't have a say in the matter, but I don't really think rico should get points off for being cheap. If you watched you would of seen that Last would obviously run to the edges and camp there, waiting for rico to come over. In a place like Jungle Japes... it would have been dangerous to jump up to the ledge and meet Last head on.
What rico did was a wise move... he just missed. If he had landed a decent projectile hit on Last then he possibly could of been knocked into the water, making his camping pointless. I think it all just comes down to Last's play style and the stage choice. Jungle Japes is a danger, on its own, so players can tend to play a lot more cautious (if not used to it).
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Bio: Final Destination - Wolf vs. Pikachu: Opponent is JonRyan
Bio: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Zero Suit Samus: Huh? I don't remember ever sending you such a match-up. Who won?
Bio: Final Destination - Zero Suit Samus vs. Wolf: Opponent is Generalasma
Bio: Final Destination - Zero Suit Samus vs. Ike: Opponent is Generalsma

Bio: Delfino Plaza - Wolf vs. Pit: Opponent is JonRyan (This one is probably old, as you have already made a video with Me and JonRyan.)

Wolf vs. Pit in the old video was at Corneria, not Delfino. Maybe it goes with the FD Wolf vs. Pikachu? And did you have a second match with Lastwords? I'll make the Generalsma one now.
Yes, yes. The ZSS vs. Metanight one is the 2nd brawl with Lastwords.

Send me that Wolf vs. Pit one. I'll be able to tell if it's old if I watch it.
Real-o the replays that you got from me vs Rico are
Me vs Rico
Ike vs Link- Ike ( Final Destination)
Ike vs Lucas- Lucas ( Smashville)
Samus vs Ike- Samus ( Castle Siege)
I know that are confused with all the videos that you got but I'm clearing out which ones belong to me vs Ricomagik.

I have the other two, but I don't have Ike vs. Lucas at Smashville. However, there is one I received at the same time from Ricomagik, but it's Pikachu vs. Ike at Smashville.

@Bio: Sent.
Also, I know I don't have a say in the matter, but I don't really think rico should get points off for being cheap. If you watched you would of seen that Last would obviously run to the edges and camp there, waiting for rico to come over. In a place like Jungle Japes... it would have been dangerous to jump up to the ledge and meet Last head on.
What rico did was a wise move... he just missed. If he had landed a decent projectile hit on Last then he possibly could of been knocked into the water, making his camping pointless. I think it all just comes down to Last's play style and the stage choice. Jungle Japes is a danger, on its own, so players can tend to play a lot more cautious (if not used to it).

Yo thanks man. Btw I Picked Fd for stage. I guess he hit random or something.

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