1v1 brawl league

  • 0suitowner vs. Kingslayer: (3-2?? Wtf? Not counted until clarified)

The results for the first official was 2-0, in my favor. Then later I thought we were doing friendlies, and it turned out (I'm allowing the friendlies to count):
First match: 0suitowner
Second match: kingslayer
Third match: 0suitowner

The only question I have about the matches between Jon and I was who was going to send the replays in. I'll go send them in... if he hasn't already.

Okay I've received a ton of replays and have no idea who any of the opponents are, and searching through the thread is getting confusing and I don't want to do the videos wrong. Here is the list of replays I have, if your name appears here, please indicate the opponent for each one and which of your replays go together if it isn't obvious. This is why it is important to post results in the thread and send the replays together. Please do not PM me the results.

0suitowner: Final Destination - Ice Climbers vs. Pikachu
0suitowner: Final Destination - Ice Climbers vs. Marth
0suitowner: Final Destination - Ice Climbers vs. Pikachu
0suitowner: Final Destination - Ice Climbers vs. Pikachu

[STRIKE]CK: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Pikachu[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]CK: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Pikachu[/STRIKE]
Lastwords?: Spear Pillar - Wolf vs. Meta Knight
0suitowner: Final Destination - Ice Climbers ditto
Lastwords?: Final Destination - Wolf vs. Meta Knight
Bio: Final Destination - Wolf vs. Pikachu
0suitowner: Final Destination - Link vs. Ice Climbers
0suitowner: Final Destination - Lucas vs. Ice Climbers
Generalsma: Final Destination - Zero Suit Samus vs. Ike
Generalsma: Final Destination - Zero Suit Samus vs. Wolf (Bio?)
Bio: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Zero Suit Samus
Bio: Final Destination - Zero Suit Samus vs. Wolf
Bio: Final Destination - Zero Suit Samus vs. Ike
Ricomagik: Smashville - Pikachu vs. Ike
[STRIKE]Ricomagik: Final Destination - Lucas vs. Ice Climbers[/STRIKE]
Generalsma: Final Destination - Ike vs. Link
[STRIKE]Ricomagik: Final Destination - Link vs. Ice Climbers[/STRIKE]
Generalsma: Castle Seige - Samus vs. Ike
Bio: Delfino Plaza - Wolf vs. Pit
[STRIKE]Ricomagik: Lylat Cruise - Meta Knight vs. Link[/STRIKE]
[STRIKE]Ricomagik: Luigi's Mansion - Meta Knight vs. Ike[/STRIKE]
Lastwords?: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Ice Climbers
Lastwords?: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Ice Climbers
Lastwords?: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Pikachu
[STRIKE]Ricomagik: Jungle Japes - Meta Knight vs. Link[/STRIKE]

Please quote my post and edit it, identifying the opponent of each of your replays and which replays make a set.

The ones in yellow are my matches with 0suitowner.

This is how they were ordered.

The two Pikachu matches I won = first official match.

After that I rejoined for friendlies, but since he didn't see I wanted friendlies they count as official.
Ice Climbers ditto, Marth, and then Pikachu (one I lost). That's the order for the second official match.
Lol, Rico got incredibly lucky in the vs. 0suit officials, match 1. Also, Rico spammed 4 arrows as Link, 1 after the other, in the second match of 0suit's officials. Does that count as an infraction? Or perhaps a warning? Just pointing it out.

Also, Rico spammed 6 (yes, 6) arrows in a row on the 3rd match vs. Lastwords.

Towards the end, he also spammed if I counted right, SIXTEEN projectiles. Major wtf. First the boomerang, then 11 arows, and finally 4 bombs (I don't think he threw the last one in succession, he was attacked before he could) before forcing Lastwords to attack. Cheap? Yes indeed. I know I have absolutely no say on this, but come on. That's just ****ed up, 16 projectiles? [/complain]
I'm still challenging anyone to a match.

Yeah, I just watched that last fight between rico and last. The 0suit one you're talking about had him using 3 at once, not 4. You'll see the verdicts soon. For the ones that haven't been uploaded yet, thanks for mentioning since real-o can check it out.


I remember that fight now. lol I actually mentioned it earlier. Strange how I forgot. Yes, ZSS vs. Meta video is the second fight between me and Lastwords?.
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Me and King just had our matches. We had a lot but I think that the first 2 were official they were
Me vs King
Wolf vs ROB-Wolf
Olimar vs Marth-Olimar
Me 2-0
The rest of the matches were just for fun. Good Games King.
Match Results:

Old (needs video or just recieved video):

  • Generalasma vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • Generalasma vs. SSBfreakCK: 0-2
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner: 1-0 (needs another match)
  • Bio vs. Generalasma: 0-2
  • JonRyan vs. Lastwords?: 0-2
  • SSBfreakCK vs. Bio: 2-0
  • SSBfreakCK vs. kingslayer: 2-0
  • JonRyan vs Bio: 1-2
  • Lastwords? vs. RedXIII101: 2-0


  • kingslayer vs. 0suitowner: 2-0
  • kingslayer vs. 0suitowner: 1-2
  • 0suitowner vs. ricomagik: 0-2
  • Bio vs. Lastwords?: 2-0
  • Generalasma vs. ricomagik: 2-1
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-0
  • Bio vs. ricomagik: 2-1


Pending Challenges:

Seeking Players:
  • Generalasma challenges Lastwords?
  • Generalasma challenges real-o
  • Envek challenges SSBfreakCK
  • Bio challenges anyone
  • 0suitowner challenges Godstepk1d
  • 0suitowner challenges anyone
  • ricomagik challenges anyone

Ready to Fight:
  • 0suitowner vs. real-o
  • 0suitowner vs. Lastwords?
  • Godstepk1d vs. SSBfreakCK
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner (needs another match)
  • Lastwords? vs. JonRyan
  • Lastwords? vs. real-o
  • Envek vs. SSBfreakCK
  • ricomagik vs. SSBfreakCK
  • Lastwords? vs. SSBfreakCK
  • kingslayer vs. Bio

  • ricomagik vs. Lastwords?: 2-1 (under review)
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  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #522
general although you have a point please don't tell people to post useless crap, they all know if they dp they can do whatever they want in the 2nd, you posting it everytime someone dp's is a waste of space and gives you a higher post count.

now that i'm done being a meanie :]
wanna brawl general, according to ck your good and i need a good brawl match :]
You double posted Bio, that means that you could write random crap.(only if it was an accident and I'm sure it was)

lol. My "random crap" ended up being the Match Results (look back to them since I editted the second post)
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #524
so i have reviewed the video and i alone can not come up with a decision.
yes rem did spam like crazy, but he hardly hit last words. and the ko wasn't due to a result of the spamming. unfortunately rem sucked so bad with his spamming that i'm going to do it this way.
i will have vote.
only these people may vote: myself(jonryan), bio, real-o, ck(because i have respect for him) and last words himself to see he feels cheated out of a win.

please post your vote.

and your reason.

i will vote last.
general although you have a point please don't tell people to post useless crap, they all know if they dp they can do whatever they want in the 2nd, you posting it everytime someone dp's is a waste of space and gives you a higher post count.

now that i'm done being a meanie :]
wanna brawl general, according to ck your good and i need a good brawl match :]

You're on even though that I'm watching the movie "Napoleon Dinamyte."

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