1v1 brawl league

Having no delfino is fine. FD or Smashville are the choices, then.

No, send real-o the replays.
I saved the second one, yeah. Great games.

I challenge anyone to a match. I'm good for another one.

@Kingslayer: You said awhile back that you wanted to play an official this time. I'm fine with that. And about the several fights you had with Jon: I'm not going to count any of them until you and Jon get that cleared up.

@0suitowner: After watching your fight with real-o, you are getting A LOT better! Keep it up, man!

@real-o: The music is good, but could we try to avoid the profanity sections? =P
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I am not going to be able to play anyone today because I'm not going to be home.

@Lastwords: I don't remember challenging you but....
I challenge you to a match tomorrow. My FC is 1289-8229-9135. I already have yours.

@Ricomagik: When we played yesterday I thought that those 3 matches counted as the your challenge in the Brawl League in the Online Gaming Section but you said that you sent Real-o the replay were you beat my Ike with your Lucas in Smashville so I will send the other 2 replays. The score was this
Generalsmash vs Ricomagik
Ike vs Link-Ike
Ike vs Lucas-Lucas
Samus vs Ike-Samus
I won 2-1 GGS. Last one was close.

@Real-o: I will send the 2 other replays between me and Ricomagik. Sorry for giving you more work :(

@Anyone Else: I haven't fought Lastwords,Jirachi,Jon,GiOo,Envek,Real-o,Fraz, and I don't remember who else. So all of you that I haven't fought
"Prepare Yourself"

Good luck on all the matches that go on tonight. :)
I am not going to be able to play anyone today because I'm not going to be home.

@Lastwords: I don't remember challenging you but....
I challenge you to a match tomorrow. My FC is 1289-8229-9135. I already have yours.

@Ricomagik: When we played yesterday I thought that those 3 matches counted as the your challenge in the Brawl League in the Online Gaming Section but you said that you sent Real-o the replay were you beat my Ike with your Lucas in Smashville so I will send the other 2 replays. The score was this
Generalsmash vs Ricomagik
Ike vs Link-Ike
Ike vs Lucas-Lucas
Samus vs Ike-Samus
I won 2-1 GGS. Last one was close.

@Real-o: I will send the 2 other replays between me and Ricomagik. Sorry for giving you more work :(

@Anyone Else: I haven't fought Lastwords,Jirachi,Jon,GiOo,Envek,Real-o,Fraz, and I don't remember who else. So all of you that I haven't fought
"Prepare Yourself"

Good luck on all the matches that go on tonight. :)

o_0 mitza you already forgot?we have brawled before but I've mostly brawled ur bro fito

I sent you 5 videos. Here are the details:

General vs. Bio - 2-0
-ZSS (Bio) vs. Ike (General)
-ZSS (Bio) vs. Wolf (General)

JonRyan vs. Bio - 1-2
-Pit (Bio) vs. Wolf (Jon)
-Pika (Bio) vs Wolf (Jon)
-Pika (Bio) vs Wolf (Jon) - Delfino

Bio vs. Lastwords? - 0-2
-ZSS (Bio) vs Meta (Last)

^This one is for the 2nd fight. The first fight (Pika vs. Meta) is the one that Lastwords? saved and will send to you.

@ricomagik: Uh, you have someone else playing with you already? Makes things kinda hard when it comes to setting up a 1v1.
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  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #476
bio feel free to post new rules whenever. me you and real-o are all equals in this.
just let me know and i'll modify the first post. also real-o if you want any rule changes let me know.
as for now i challenge everyone(active).
yes everyone.
so let me know when you wanna brawl. i'm on right now if anyone is up for it.
I challenge anyone else to a match.

And Great games, rico!

The results of me and rico's matches were 2-0 and 2-1, having me with the wins. I only managed to save replays for three of them, though (don't know why). If rico didn't save any of the others, and since I know firsthand that they are legit, I'll just send my replays for a 2-1 video (even though they weren't in that particular order) and record the total wins/losses accordingly.

@JonRyan: Okay. Here are the rule changes I think should be made:

Under Pre-Match Guidelines after the line that says "-Players are responsible for challenging each other. Once the players agree, Bio or JonRyan must be notified by posting in this thread or PMing them directly", this should be added:

-If neither player posts the results of their match in the thread, the match will not count, regardless of if the videos were sent (this is so that keeping records runs as smoothly as possible).
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The following replays have been sent with no 2nd matches (these are from a few days ago):
0suitowner: Final Destination - Meta Knight vs. Ice Climbers (CK?)
Ricomagik: Smashville - Ike vs. Lucas

I also need to know the opponents. Please post this info in the thread after each official match to make it easy for me.

Next in the video queue: CK vs. Generalsma? (just want to make sure)
Both Final Destination, MK vs. Olimar and MK vs. Ike

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