1v1 brawl league

@Bio and JonRyan: I'm trying to enter your Wii code and it says "This Wii number is incorrect" and I can't add it. Are you sure it's correct?
Yeah, I put my code in wrong. It's correct now. If Jon's is wrong, it's because he gave it to me that way. I copy+pasted it when he posted it.
@Real-o: Let me know when you add me so I can send you videos.


First off: Wow, you have one vicious Wolf, Jon. Very well played. Secondly: Hooray for great connection! You went from being the one with the worst connection to the one with the best lol. I at least have some tiny input delay with other people, but it's incredibly smooth with your connection.

Sorry about asking to change to 2 Stock. I ran into the same 3-stock situation with Babs (0suitowner) in getting pushed into Sudden Death when we were barely into 1 stock. Now that you've experienced it, though, what do you think about changing the rules to 2 stock?

Also, the brawls got pretty varied in outcome. Our rules say that the sudden deaths don't count and must be replaced, so I'm thinking that the first three non-SD matches are the ones that count?
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hmm very good matches indeed, i just recently started using wolf like hmm a month ago??
but thanks :]
the first match where it was 5 stck and no time limit was for fun just to test the connection sorry about that.
the next few we're sudden deaths no?
idk i'll go with your count because i you won anyway right?
we seem to be pretty equal i think i will challenge you more often + hurray for the connection :]
I saved the three brawls that were 3:00 and non-SD and I think those are the only ones that could count. It ended up 2-1.

-----JonRyan and Bio have played in a match-----

Video: (awaiting video)

Results: 1-2
  • 1 wins (10 points) for JonRyan
  • 2 wins (20 points) for Bio

Pending Challenges:

Godstepk1d challenges anyone (awaiting response)
0suitowner challenges anyone (awaiting response)

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@real-o: I'll send you videos of my matches with Babs and JonRyan soon.

As always, to the challengers: Read the rules before starting an official match. And make extra sure someone is saving the brawls as replays and sending them to real-o afterwards.

@JonRyan/real-o: I strongly support changing the rules to 2 stock instead of 3. Thoughts?
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Hey can I join your little league?

Brawl name:Ven~
Brawl Fc: (sig.)
Timezone:6:00gmt (us&canada) Central.
I have no objections about changing to 2 stock if 3 is resulting in too many sudden deaths.

@0suitowner: Do you want an official match or just to brawl for fun?

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