1v1 brawl league

Some challenge me

I'm better than all of you there I said it...
If you guys are still adding...

WiiChat- Muny
Brawl Name- Muny
FC- 3695-6170-3104
Wii Code- 8241-8596-1787-3562
Time Zone- Chicago ><

I noticed i'm still not on the list. Can you add me today by any chance?
I'm working on the updates now, but yeah, I'll add you right now.

And yes, I have no problem playing against you. I'll be online in a few. Let me know you are ready by replying first.
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When is the best time.
I'm going out today and can be ready tonight or tomorrow whateve
Just let me know when you're ready, Grimerboy. I'll be on my computer all day.

Muny and I played. 2-0 Bio

ZSS vs. Marth - ZSS
ZSS vs. Zelda/Shiek - ZSS

Good games, man. I'll send the replays.

@real-o: Time ran out, but I had one more stock. It didn't seem like there was any stalling for time, though.
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gratz man, you pawned me...now i don't want to play for like a week ><
right now
right all night
here i am
thank u maim
Okay, logging on.

Grimerboy, you gotta add my friend code, lol.
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Alright, looks like you added it now. I'll see you online.

EDIT: So I we played the official

2-0 Bio

ZSS vs. Kirby // Flat Zone 2
ZSS vs. Kirby // Final Desination

Good games, man. I'll send replays.
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