1v1 brawl league

Talking about CK behind his back? You POSERS!

Nah, I'm just playin'. =P

He ignores me more than any of you all when he's online, because when he's Brawling, it's impossible to have a conversation.
Teh first double/off-topic post ever just for his 800th post! w00t!

Yes, I know I'm being a total hypocrite and 800 isn't even a big number. But right now, I don't care
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I'm online for some officials that I have not gotten to yet. Will be on for just a little bit.
meh new name. under this assumed name, no one will reconize me! :DJust change it to this realo. Hero> Xéiro central time zone FC. ill get it on as soon as i can, look 4 my new fc.i was about to leave but i realized the internet channel made it possible 4 me to stay.
Ah look at Mr. Smarty points now XD lol jk, I can access on PS3 so if I lost meh laptop or something I could still come on

PS: Any console can come on wiichitterchatter
im back and not black hahaha i wanna get in shape so i challenge anyone

Also accepted.

I challenge CK to a match.


There goes CK. Avoiding me.

jk lets official

:lol: Sorry Dinner, I really have been saying we were going to official for too long... ... ... 5 months now, maybe more? .-.;; Ya, we need to get one in before christmas break is over while I'm around all week. :thumbsup:

Still keeping in mind my official with Real-o. =)

Talking about CK behind his back? You POSERS!

Nah, I'm just playin'. =P

He ignores me more than any of you all when he's online, because when he's Brawling, it's impossible to have a conversation.

Er... My bad? >.>;

I play Basic Brawl a lot since I'm craving item-filled FFAs lately. I'll try to get in more 1v1s, though (or FFAs if you've got the player for it :thumbsup: ). :p

Teh first double/off-topic post ever just for his 800th post! w00t!

Yes, I know I'm being a total hypocrite and 800 isn't even a big number. But right now, I don't care

Fail. XD
^ ... That's a good question.

I will be around the coming Friday, so... FFA friday time, yes?! :D Needz moar Craptain Failcon dittos.
ummm... Brawl on Christmas?

I will if I"m in the mood, or if my dad isn't playing Chicken Blaster all day (which he probably will)
ummm... Brawl on Christmas?

I will if I"m in the mood, or if my dad isn't playing Chicken Blaster all day (which he probably will)

Mind if i ask what is Chicken Blaster?
At some point in christmas i get bored for like 20mins. Like when im waiting for the family yo arrive.
Chicken Blaster? ... ... ... You're kidding, right? [/quote]

Christmas is on Friday? ... You tired or something, J?

If that's a yes, we only need 1 more. :D Here are some sample rules to tinker with. It's what we used last time.

Blast Box
Bunny Hood
Deku Nut

1st Match: 5 Stock, Items High

2nd Match: 4 Stock, Items Medium

3rd Match: 3 Stock, Items Low
im back and not black hahaha i wanna get in shape so i challenge anyone

Also accepted.

I challenge CK to a match.


:lol: Sorry Dinner, I really have been saying we were going to official for too long... ... ... 5 months now, maybe more? .-.;; Ya, we need to get one in before christmas break is over while I'm around all week. :thumbsup:

Still keeping in mind my official with Real-o. =)

Talking about CK behind his back? You POSERS!

Nah, I'm just playin'. =P

He ignores me more than any of you all when he's online, because when he's Brawling, it's impossible to have a conversation.

Er... My bad? >.>;

I play Basic Brawl a lot since I'm craving item-filled FFAs lately. I'll try to get in more 1v1s, though (or FFAs if you've got the player for it :thumbsup: ). :p

Teh first double/off-topic post ever just for his 800th post! w00t!

Yes, I know I'm being a total hypocrite and 800 isn't even a big number. But right now, I don't care

Fail. XD

FFA with items are for noobs >_>
Basic Brawl is pathetic now-a-days.

I can't play you right now but maybe....tomorrow, I hope :/
ummm... Brawl on Christmas?

I will if I"m in the mood, or if my dad isn't playing Chicken Blaster all day (which he probably will)

Mind if i ask what is Chicken Blaster?
At some point in christmas i get bored for like 20mins. Like when im waiting for the family yo arrive.

Chicken Blaster = Duck Hunt on Steroids. My dad enjoys shooting stuff, other than humans.

Holy ef, within 20 seconds, two more posts came.


Yes, I am tired. But I know it is, and I was trying to see if you did.
But I can't control what games my dad wants. Every time we go to Gamestop he continuously drops hints that he wants it. Too bad he doesn't know we got it like 2 weeks ago for him.
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