Still Obsessed with P4
sigh...:frown: for some reason i feel kinda left out in all this. but i do have somethin 2 say though...GCommander, Dinner, and CK you three are the best brawlers iv seen so far:thumbsup: compared to me...i need to step my game up a bit...
just thought id come out and say it thats all...
Hey, I'm sure you'd feel more left out if you were unable to play
Plus, some people just have more time to practice than others, nothing you can do about that. Just keep playing and don't worry about winning or losing, just about doing your best.
Lol anax, I know it sucks.
Smash, if it makes you feel any better, I've only won one online match (excluding 2v2s), but I still go out and play CK about every weekend. It's just practice. I have gotten better, but not near good enough to be online worthy.