1v1 brawl league

d*mn it!
ill have 2 do that again
oh well

hey guys i no this kid who his mom wont let his kid see anything about pokemon cause she says pikachu is a "demon"
that sounded stupid so i asked this prist's assitant and she told me the people who made pokemon dont belive in in god and that they actually belive in the devil.thats why theyre called pocket monsters
and "pikachu" means "greater than god":shocked:

wat do u guys think?

:wtf::shocked: WOW...seriously:eek:ut: and here i thought pokemon was just a good anime cartoon. theres nothing to believe in anymore:frown2:
i think that person is crazy 2

why the hell whould pikachu be evil?
thats being racist 2 the chinese

Um...I think you mean the japanese...which, by the way, are not a race, even if you happen to believe there are human races.

And yea, that pikachu lady is retarded. Pikachu, roughly translated, means electric mouse. Pikapika in japanese represents electric sparkling, and chu is the noise of a mouse. Nothing there about greater than god.
She's also narrowminded in believing that people who don't believe in God believe in the devil. If you don't believe in God, doesn't it follow you cannot believe in the devil? and if you believe in God, isn't it necessary to believe in the devil as well? You can't just believe in one, otherwise you have some faulty messed up religion.
Um...I think you mean the japanese...which, by the way, are not a race, even if you happen to believe there are human races.

And yea, that pikachu lady is retarded. Pikachu, roughly translated, means electric mouse. Pikapika in japanese represents electric sparkling, and chu is the noise of a mouse. Nothing there about greater than god.
She's also narrowminded in believing that people who don't believe in God believe in the devil. If you don't believe in God, doesn't it follow you cannot believe in the devil? and if you believe in God, isn't it necessary to believe in the devil as well? You can't just believe in one, otherwise you have some faulty messed up religion.

thats very true anax:yesnod: i cant agree with you more on that:thumbsup:
If you keep an open-mind and wait a couple of years, you'll see it's more about experience than anything else.

All too true. You could be a genius with an IQ of 9001, but if you've yet to experience life in it's entirety, you're just as uneducated as the rest.

Seriously, the more you suffer, the more you learn, and then everything is just awesome.

As they say, ignorance is bliss. Be stupid, be happy. Experience hard times, maybe you'll learn something out of it.

@CK: when you say you'll be active on weekends, how active do you mean? because if we can eventually have weekly saturday matches that'd be fantastic. I'm sure most of us in the league will come online on saturday just for that.

By active, I mean I'll have PC access, so I can show up on Wiichat, play games on wi-fi, etc. Ofcourse, by active, I more or less mean having the ability to show up when I so desire. Planning matches would be possible, yes, but I don't want to be bugged with it ATM. I need to get my skill back, first. :p

Um...I think you mean the japanese...which, by the way, are not a race, even if you happen to believe there are human races.

And yea, that pikachu lady is retarded. Pikachu, roughly translated, means electric mouse. Pikapika in japanese represents electric sparkling, and chu is the noise of a mouse. Nothing there about greater than god.
She's also narrowminded in believing that people who don't believe in God believe in the devil. If you don't believe in God, doesn't it follow you cannot believe in the devil? and if you believe in God, isn't it necessary to believe in the devil as well? You can't just believe in one, otherwise you have some faulty messed up religion.

So what's the morale of the story, kids? That's right! Religion isn't for narrow-minded idiots!
Match Results:

  • real-o vs. Bio: 2-1
  • real-o vs. kingslayer – 2-1
  • GCommander vs. luigikart3 – 2-1
  • GCommander vs. SMASH_KING – 2-0
    Video: (awaiting video)

Pending Challenges:

Seeking Players:
  • Bio challenges GCommander, RedXIII101, anax4aero, Pichu 2k7, and Dinner.

Ready to Fight:
  • Bio vs. luigikart3

  • hero1771 vs. Cuomo – 2-3Matches are best 2 out of 3. Please explain the nature of these brawls (and whether or not they have video) or they will not count.

New Members:

  • RockerJ has entered the Brawl!
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