1v1 brawl league

You're 24? Damn. ... And I beat you at Brawl? More damn. Well, that does show why you work very hard for the league; you're not a lazy ass teenager such as myself. That's one of the things that does come with age.

But anyways, South Park is really not a show a 9 year old should watch. I wouldn't have even understood any of it when I was 9, besides the farting jokes. Not to mention the parts where they show real disgusting images (Mr. Garrison's operation) Kids these days... :lol:

Agreed. Even if a kid doesn't understand it, it's in no way a show for 9 year old. I would know, since I did watch it around that age... I'm lucky I didn't turn out to be a... Well, I was going to say "a cursing, annoying brat of a child", but I did, minus the brat part, it just doesn't show on Wiichat... .-.

My point being, Kids should NOT get stuff like that (and a good thing your brother doesn't, GC). Nor should they watch it. Corruption of one's child hood is just a terrible thing to do... Let kids be happy and innocent while they can, yeah? =/
What does age have to do with brawling ability? Lol. If you got it, you got it. I played on Basic Brawl forever with the noobies too, that didn't help me. I got a lot better after I played you and others from here and elsewhere, and just by watching the league videos. I had to watch them in their entirety a few times, Meta Knight vs. Meta Knight can get a little boring after a while, lol. :pPP But from that, I just picked up and started using Meta Knight and was already decent just from watching your D-throw > F-aerial > Up+B and KO me with 34%, lol. And that other stuff you do that requires quick reaction time, which I lack. Annnyways, I enjoy making the videos, and lately it's really not much work. Maybe someone should have some matches. I challenged Bio, CK, GCommander, kingslayer, and anyone a while back, but only GCommander responded and we never had the match. Hey look at that I'm ontopic. How did that happen?

GCommander, sorry, but I'm not gonna watch that, whatever it is. If it's somehow related to that operation, I suggest you remove that link before a mod sees. If there are mods, I don't know anymore.

... Are they watching? :scared:
It has nothing to do with an operation.
Just watch it. Don't be scared, or get someone to watch it for you. 24 year old scaredycat.
I agree that age has nothing to do with skill. I believe that people between 18-26 are better at brawl than 15 year old people like me. You failed CK. Age has nothing to do with skill.
I agree that age has nothing to do with skill. I believe that people between 18-26 are better at brawl than 15 year old people like me. You failed CK. Age has nothing to do with skill.

... LOL. You just completely contradicted yourself, and you say I failed?

Age does affect Brawling skill. Compare a 12 year old with a 15 year old. A 17 year old with a 21 year old. In general, people are better gamers if they're older; there's a reason teenagers (usually) aren't the champions of professional gaming.

I never said age makes skill levels absolute either, nor does age have certain limits. It can just open more doors, or close some of them. It really depends on a combination of everything; reaction time, gaming experience, age, in general intelligence, etc. etc.

But yes, I agree it's not an accomplishment just because I beat someone a few years older than me. I had a stupidity moment there, really.
I didn't contradict myself CK. I gave an opinion.
Did anyone see the video yet? I'm waiting for someone brave because that 17 and 24 year old don't have the balls to watch it. I'm sure that some 14 year old like Envek would watch it.
I don't plan on watching it unless you tell me what it is; I'm not in the mood for something along the lines of gay porn... *shudder*

Yes, you contradicted yourself badly, GC. You said age doesn't affect a gamer's skill. Yet, you then said right after that the age range of a teenager would be worse than someone in their 20s. That's implying that you DO believe age effects a gamer's skill, even though you at first said you didn't. Contradiction. Fail. :p
I don't plan on watching it unless you tell me what it is; I'm not in the mood for something along the lines of gay porn... *shudder*

Yes, you contradicted yourself badly, GC. You said age doesn't affect a gamer's skill. Yet, you then said right after that the age range of a teenager would be worse than someone in their 20s. That's implying that you DO believe age effects a gamer's skill, even though you at first said you didn't. Contradiction. Fail. :p

The video is about
a murder
Happy now? Now that I spoiled it.
Heck no it's not porn. If it were porn the site would probably Pornhub.com.
It's also not the Kim Kardashian porn(seen it) 2 Girls and A Cup(seen it) Pamela Anderson porn(I wanna see it) Paris Hilton porn(my friend says that it sucks and I haven't seen it) Well my point is that it's not porn.
... Murder? MURDER?! XD! I thought it was something really terrible, har har (no, I'm not saying murder isn't serious). No, I'm not underestimating how disgusting, horrid, and nightmarish murder from a serial killer can be, but I've seen a lot of ****, be it by PC, TV, or real life. I'll watch the video tomorrow; if I remember. If not, remind me.

EDIT: ... Rihopo? Where'd you come from? :lol:
Well I saw it and I don't really see the big deal. Basically two guys kill this bum (I'm guessing) sleeping on the ground. They take a hammer wrapped in a yellow bag and smash it repeatably onto his face (well one does it while the other tapes). His face becomes a bloody pulp and then they start to stab him, or something, in the stomach a bit. There was a second video, but it didn't load up.

Truthfully, it looked fake to me. Even if it was real it wasn't that disturbing. I've seen far worse in real life. Some of the things I've seen you couldn't even possibly imagine. Things that weren't even as bad as that seem a lot worse in real life too.

For example: one of my friends died in a car crash. I was there to see the result of the crash. Half of his face was ripped off, a jagged piece of metal had ripped his entrails open, and his whole body was torn apart by the asphalt. I have no clue why you watched that Mitza, but I find it gross that you suggested that anyone watch it.

That is not something anyone should watch, let alone a nine year old boy. Unless you plan on becoming a serial killer, even then those killers would have been incredibly stupid (if it was real), so that video sucked even for that. The video was a waste of time and I don't think you should have suggested it. I suggest that you remove it from this site or otherwise you will probably be banned.
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Well I saw it and I don't really see the big deal. Basically two guys kill this bum (I'm guessing) sleeping on the ground. They take a hammer wrapped in a yellow bag and smash it repeatably onto his face (well one does it while the other tapes). His face becomes a bloody pulp and then they like stab him, or something, in the stomach a bit. There was a second video, but it didn't load up.

Truthfully, it looked fake to me. Even if it was real it wasn't that disturbing. I've seen far worse in real life. Some of the things I've seen you couldn't even possibly imagine. Things that weren't even as bad as that seem a lot worse in real life too.

For example: one of my friends died in a car crash. I was there to see the result of the crash. Half of his face was ripped off, a jagged piece of metal had ripped his entrails open, and his whole body was torn apart by the asphalt. I have no clue why you watched that Mitza, but I find it gross that you suggested that anyone watch it.

That is not something anyone should watch, let alone a nine year old boy. Unless you plan on becoming a serial killer, even then those killers would have been incredibly stupid (if it was real), so that video sucked even for that. The video was a waste of time and I don't think you should have suggested it. I suggest that you remove it from this site or otherwise you will probably be banned.

Sorry you had to witness such a horrible thing as you describe.

... Murder? MURDER?! XD! I thought it was something really terrible, har har (no, I'm not saying murder isn't serious). No, I'm not underestimating how disgusting, horrid, and nightmarish murder from a serial killer can be, but I've seen a lot of ****, be it by PC, TV, or real life. I'll watch the video tomorrow; if I remember. If not, remind me.

EDIT: ... Rihopo? Where'd you come from? :lol:

I'm bored, CK, so I clicked on New posts and this one was the first listed and I came across that guy's post and decided to reply.
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I'm completely desensitized to violent things in any way. I've seen and been through too many things for it to matter anymore. The only thing I don't get is why people watch things like that. I know that man has a fascination about death, but I don't really see the thrill in it.
The only thing that bothers me about that video was it brought back memories. The things I've seen don't bother me anymore, but I still feel sad for all of the people I've lost. Now I'm in a melancholic mood. Oh well, I'm about to go to bed anyway and I'll end up forgetting about it by morning.
Thank you, though, for your concern. I would suggest, however, that no one else watch it. I'm unique in the way that I'm so desensitized from violence, so... normal... people might not react the same way I did (with bored detachment).
Anyway, that video is completely inappropriate for a Wii forum... it should be taken down as soon as possible.
sorry about my additude recently, i was very pissed off at some gay (not actually gay)
people and the omly way i could let off some steam is 2 chuck my basketball at my garage door.
and johnryan, how did it go in ur trail?
At least someone watched it. I'm gonna take it off so does anyone else want to watch it before I do?
They stabb a guy in the eye and rip it out with a screwdriver. I wanted to send the video to my hot teacher but I forgot her email adress.

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