1000 Wii pionts, whats worth getting

I'm thinking of getting mario kart. Do i need to get the 'classic controller' to play it or can I use the wiimote?
you cant use a wiimote on n64 games . you need a gcn controller or a ccontroller
I would get super mario bros and zelda1
It see some video of the game befor you download it go to
I did not look and i downloaded zelda2 that one sucked

Wii Remote Classic Controller GCN Controller

NES Yes Yes Yes
SNES No Yes Yes
N64 No Yes Yes
Sega Genesis Some Yes Some
TurboGrafx-16 Yes Yes Some

Just the txt i cant get the image to come up sorry if it looks bad
That has been taken from Nintendo
Just to show you what you can and cant use
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supanova said:
You think it would be pretty obvious by now.

The wiimote only plays NES games. Everything else requires a gamecube controller or a classic controller.

I recommend the classic controller, far better.

Same here but i use gcn controllers on n64 games
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sigh i got starfox64
and i regret it...i should of went with mario64
Bigjake52 said:
you cant use a wiimote on n64 games . you need a gcn controller or a ccontroller
I would get super mario bros and zelda1
It see some video of the game befor you download it go to
I did not look and i downloaded zelda2 that one sucked

Wii Remote Classic Controller GCN Controller

NES Yes Yes Yes
SNES No Yes Yes
N64 No Yes Yes
Sega Genesis Some Yes Some
TurboGrafx-16 Yes Yes Some

Just the txt i cant get the image to come up sorry if it looks bad
That has been taken from Nintendo
Just to show you what you can and cant use

Was this the chart you were trying to copy?


As to using the last 1000 points....... either Mario 64 or Mario Kart 64!
My god the Wii owns... said:
Get Excite Bike for the NES and Kirby's Adventure for the NES.
I don't agree with Excite Bike but certainly Kirby's Adventure. Due to being almost the last NES Game released it has the best graphics, sound and most of all fun. I suggest you Kirby's Adventure and Super Mario Bros. both on the NES (500 WiiPoints)
Well, if you wanna risk 800 points get DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 2 it is the best country outta the 3....but yea if theres kirby superstar (fan pak) get that too

also, to avoid making a new thread and people saying USE THE F'N SEARCH and one guy putting up a picture of himself saying noob.

i got 1200 points, left and i already got DK country 2. wat else should i get?
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