1000/1000 Club!


Jul 11, 2006
United States, New Jersey
Anyone get all of the acheivements yet? i just recently got it like a week ago. if you didnt know, when you get it you unlock a spartan head and armor. the head kinda looks like a bug, but the armor is the havabusa armor, but it has a sword on the back. its pretty sweet. Steppin Razor, and Overkill were the hardest for me to get. oh and if you didnt know, if your stuck trying to get the "maybe next time buddy" acheivement, where you get boarded, but you reboard the vehicle within 10 seconds...you can get that one in the social playlist RUMBLE PIT. so you can get a buddy of yours to play with you and just go and get it together.
Thanks for the tip on the last one =]

I've finished the game and working my way through them all, I was trying to get the online ones but now that I've moved and wont be on live for a bit I'll probably be working on getting the skulls, I've only got 3 so far I think.

Ohh yeah and I did the game on normal, but me, the boyf and two friends said we should play it through on Legendary together so we'll probably do that.

lucky!! i have everything that you can do alone. (I dont have Live anymore..it just expired a week ago.) as soon as i get Live, i'll get the last few remaining achievements and get a perfect 1000/1000.
wow u guys are noobs! my gamerscore pwns you! i have 6 halo achievements and a total score of..idn..like 690? lmao

yeah i usually dont play for achievements but a couple days ago i started teh COD4 ones and i have 450/1000 so far im going through campaign on veteran.

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