100% theory

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  • #16
I actually didnt see much difference, but when i mentioned it to some of the members of my clan, some of them said its true.
I guess i'm not that good at seeing differences.

Inconclusive... Damn... Hey thanks a lot, you didnt have to go out of your way like that but it is very much appreciated. You said you didnt notice "much difference", but you did notice a slight difference or am I interpreting this wrong? I think your skill level would have a big rol. If youre really good you probably wouldnt notice, if youre a total loser at this game like me well... Its a big difference for me.
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  • #17
OK Ive done some research... It aint easy but I have found some clues but I still have a hell of a lot of Qs.

First I found out that Goldeneye uses the same engine as COD 3. Ive never played COD 3 so I cant verify from experience but I did find that in COD3 proficiencies DO add skill with proficiency gained. Such as:

Please find below the complete list of MW3 proficiencies:

  • Kick - Reduced recoil
  • Range - Increased range
  • Attachments - Equip 2 attachments to the weapon
  • Focus - Reduced flinch when shot
  • Melee - Faster melee
  • Stability - Reduced sway
  • Impact - Great bullet penetration through walls
  • Speed - Faster movement w/ weapon equipped
  • Damage - Shells do more damage (Shotgun only)
As far as I can tell each time you get a proficiency with a weapon, these are skills you gain permanetly. Anyway you can read about it here:

Hmmmm.... Interesting right? But if they did include this in Goldeneye why the hell wouldnt they TELL US??? I mean **** this is something we should know about right?...

Anyway Im not saying this is proof of anything but it is interesting...
Damn trolled again... This isn't over

You and your science blah blah blah... Oh look at me I just broke the light speed barrier! Blah Blah Blah... What? by .01% ??? lol I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, *****!

Hahaha You better come up with something equally hilarious or I win.
You sound like one of those dark ages the world is coming to en end because I read the Bible and I know Gods will sort of guys. I do believe you need to stop drinking the cool aid and come to grips with reality. The world is not ending this October and it is not ending in December either. Well, maybe YOUR world is ending the second you step foot into a game I am playing. I will shoot your ass down and trample your corpse!

Yep I did notice last night in a somewhat laggy match that ADS, as well as everything else was bumpy as hell. I couldnt hit a thing and anytime Id lock on it broke away... I too thought the same thing, still kinda do, that I was just getting better with my new weapon but I still dont know... Maybe its just me and that's why I started this thread hoping maybe a few helpful players would try out my experiment.
I was in a game today where the connection speed was outstanding. It was a BB and most everyone was 40 or lower. After running out of ammo for my Masterton I picked up some guys Stauger and went after everyone. There was a moment in a corridor when there were three guys shooting at the BB directly in front of me. I snapped ADS and got all three - after I got the first guy the gun switched aim to the second and then to the third guy. BAM, BAM BAM and they were all dead. I've been in similar situation when the game was lagging a bit and it will not do this. My guess is that it all has to do with game speed on your end.
Troll, I just saw your location and realized that you are in Colorado. Now I see the problem you are having. High altitude has leached your brain of oxygen and you are suffering from a deficient brain - or possibly no brain at all.

I'm gonna try to remember to add you to my friends list tonight.
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  • #20
The Troll is strong with this one. Classic! Attack my faith (assuming I have any) and either way Ill be pissed. I see what you did there. I can play along... In the world of the Troll there is no fence.

God Damned hippy liberal Evolutionist! Its you and your kind that are ruining this once great nation! How's that hopey changey working out for yah? You like getting f***ed by that big black dick? Oh you like it don't you? Hope you like it cause that's what Hell is going to be for you and your kind hundreds of floppy dongs raping your every orifice for all eternity.

O_0 Damn that was highly offensive... Conservative redneck FTW!

Anyway you're probably right. Did you catch that previous post? The one about COD3 above. Id like to hear your thoughts on it if you have any.
They may do the same thing in Goldeneye, but I dunno - would be nice if they said something one way or the other. Maybe, if you can take the penis out of your mouth long enough, you can send them an e-mail and find out.
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  • #23
We are so gonna get banned from the board.

X_X worth it! I'm LMAO hard @ your last re. I think the mods are smart enough to know were just screwing around.

Alright, you got me on the last one. That was perfect. Totally unexpected.

I was thinking about sending an email. Maybe Monday.
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  • #27
It's not double posting - it's 3D posting. Put on your glasses, ya mook.

Hahaha Egos on a roll
