#1 problem with Wii

Yea paintballer is completely right. I know Nintendo is a perfection company, but seriously, I am tired of waiting!!!
The graphics argument is so stupid and fundamentally flawed that its funny. Do you think Nintendo is completely incapable of throwing in some fancy cutting edge graphics chip or w/e it is to make their products run in 720 or 1080? The bottom line is YES they could have and they know that there is a market of gamers who have hardons for graphics. However they CHOSE to not put in the latest graphics because they valued the gaming experience higher than visual aspect.

The weakest things about the Wii are its lack of usage regarding the Calender, VC, and Online Capablity when it comes to games. I think the Wii has a whole lot of diverse games on the market right now from fun children games to more mature content games like The Godfather. Another problem it has is getting more units out there so that they can be sold and doing the best they can to get more developers on their side.
There really isn't a problem with Wii, except that Super Mario Galaxy and Super Paper Mario arn't out yet!

And stop complaining about if there's no online play, and why should you care that there isn't the best hard drive! WHO CARES! NOT ME!

And Wii has the best fetures unlike stupid 360 and demonic PS3
Online play is the nex gen fanboy. and waiting for all of this sucks.
At this point, it's finding one.

I'll complain more when I own something to complain about.
Nfanboy said:
YOU suck.

And the Wii graphics are good not crap. All of you guys are crap

Please SHUT UP. Its okay to be a fanboy but you give all fanboys a bad name. There ARE problems with the Wii and unless we talk about them Nintendo will not know what to do in order to improve next time around. As for the graphics they are OKAY but they are NOT stellar like the 360's or P$3's. And thats only because Nintendo chose not to go that route. And for the record Online Gaming is a MAJOR part of the videogame industry. Why don't you grow up and accept that?
Online, i don't care much for graphics, but PLEASE give us a good online play. I'm not expecting things like the Xbox Live, but something like that. If you don't i'll get mad V.V. Online is where is spend half of my day (i know >.>).

The Biggest problem is the lack of great games...they should have at least released one of the "big three" by now. Also the jaggies piss me off. The graphics dont have to be a whole lot better, but c'mon nintendo, at least get off your ass and put in some anti-aliasing.

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