wii maniac

Canadians In Action
Oct 18, 2007
Ontario Canada
Wii Online Code
Does anyone know if they are going to release 007 golden eye on virtual console. that was my favourite game on my N64:yesnod:
I guess Nintendo is trying to work something out with Rare, the company who developed 007. Microsoft owns the company now so you can see where it might be a tad difficult.

EDIT: BTW, Welcome

Yeah, a lot of members like to bash new members. I suggest using the search function when you have questions. Most of the time you end up with pages upon pages of nonsense so...honestly, answer your question through Google becuase theres so many members here that hate answering questions.

Once again, WELCOME!.

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I hate to be the guy to say this, but I can't help it this time. Do a search or read any of the posts in the VC forums...this topic comes up about ten times a day.
Yep, this one comes up quite a bit.
And, our answer is always the same. We don't know, but we hope.
But, of course, why do we hope? I took out my 007 about a year ago (Pre-wii) and to be blunt, it sort of sucked. I mean, I played the hell out of the game back in the day and I would still make the argument that it is the best shooter for it's time, but nowadays other shooters just flat-out beat it.
Sort of sad.
Rare said they are working it out with Nintendo. If you want a direct source, visit their website. It looks like Microsoft has no problem giving Nintendo, Golden Eye. I guess because the 360 will launch their own 007 with updated graphics. If anyone has seen Street Fighter HD you'll know what I mean.
sagema said:
Rare said they are working it out with Nintendo. If you want a direct source, visit their website. It looks like Microsoft has no problem giving Nintendo, Golden Eye. I guess because the 360 will launch their own 007 with updated graphics. If anyone has seen Street Fighter HD you'll know what I mean.

if they would release 007 and gondeleye i would be happier :)
Yeah That would be cool.

Here is a list of the N64 games i want them to put on the virtual console(hopefully soon)

Perfect Dark

Banjo Tooie AND Kazooie

Mario Golf

All Star Baseball 2001

Super Smash Bros.

Zelda Majora's Mask

Some Mario Parties

Those games kick ass.

O and the original Duke Nuke'em would be pretty fun as well!!

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