black ops

  1. McMurphy

    Wii Disc Drive Failures and How Nintendo is Helping Out

    I own a Nintendo Wii copy of Black Ops; however, my console suffered from permanent disc drive failure on January 14th, 2011 while playing Black Ops. My game of Black Ops froze, and it forced a restart. After rebooting, it can no longer read any game discs; instead, I got the "Disc Cannot be...
  2. K

    CoD: Black Ops

    Black ops HACKERS How do you really feel about hacker clans?
  3. T

    Cod black ops xp lobby !!!!! I need one/.

    Ok guys my name is travis.. I have black ops for wii , can anyone please give me there fc (friend code) if they do black ops only xp lobbies!!! My fc is : 4267-5354-3790 please send me a ally request if u do xp lobbyss!
  4. jedadiah


    What the hell i just got CODBO and it wont let meh just keeps saying connecting to nintendo wfc and its been going on for like and hour how i get it to stop??
  5. S

    Help! Attempting to join never works

    I'll try to be brief about this. It takes about 6-7 seconds per every match the wii is attempting to join. It'll say it's getting match quality for 50 matches, then it'll start scrolling through the matches saying something like "attempting to join 43 matches". As it counts down, it takes about...