Virtual Console...GC Controllers Won't Work Multiplayer!!!


WiiChat Member
Feb 15, 2007
Wii Online Code
I'm not sure if this should be posted in this section. If not please move it to the correct one. Well i bought a few games on the Wii shop Channel. I got Mario Bros. which can use the Gamecube controller, Wii remote or Classic Controller. Me and my brother play with 2 wii remotes usually. One of the remotes died so we played with one remote and one Gamcecube controller. That worked fine. My camecube controller works fine when playing the wii EXCEPT for when i Bought Mario Kart 64...I didn't have a Classic Controller so i tried using 2 Gamecube controllers. The first one worked...the second one didn't!!! I tried it on other games and i realized that i can't use more then 1 Gamecube controller on Virtual Console!!! I tried it on mario and same Deal!!!! Im 100 % sure its not the controller because it works, i used it on other games single player but not multiplayer!!! What is going on?!?! Is it something i'm doing wrong, is it my Wii or is Nintendo a complete rip off and is trying to get me to buy a classic controller? Please someone respond quickly.
Not sure exactly what is causing the problem, but on my Wii you can play mario kart with 1-4 people using gamecube controllers.
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Is there something you did in some settings or something???
I'm exactly the same, I can play four player multiplayer with my GC controllers, I changed no settings, I just plugged them in.
This really belongs in the Virtual Console section seeing as it's about the VC with GC controller.
But I've heard similiar rants about this on a few other forums.
But I haven't actually tried it myself yet.
If you are playing with a remote and a GCN controller then the GCN controller needs to be in port 2, not port 1. The wii remote is controller 1 already.
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Yes i know this but it wont accept my 3rd party controller at all...
Probably the reason then, I've heard more than once that some 3rd party controllers don't work.