WII SPORTS - GOLF - Scores, tips, tricks


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Dec 19, 2006
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I've been really into the Wii Golf, wondering if anyone else is digging it and wants to get a thread going.

I shot my first 10 under today...oooh yeah. :)

Trying to theoretically learn how to approach every hole - knowing the 'best shot' and being able to do it are different things mind you... anyway my average score is nowhere near this good yet...

Anyone else? What kinds of scores are you getting and have you figured out anything useful about the various holes?


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Hi!!! I think Wii Sports Golf is a great game and you need alot of skill to be able to achieve good scores. My current best is 6 under. The tips I have are:
1. At hole 2 you can go for a small patch of fairway to the left of the screen on your first shot.
2. At hole 7 you can hit the green with your first shot as long as you avoid the nearby trees.
3. At hole 9 you can go for the island to the left on your first shot but you have to make sure you can use the iron for your second shot so you can clear he cliff infront of the green because you cant clear it using the driver.

What tips do you have???
My best is -1, LOL
Its so hard to be consistent in this game though... but I did shot a chip in Eagle on hole 4 the other day. I ended that game with a +240 rating boost.:D
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I don't know if they're 'tricks' but when I play I approach the holes like this:

Hole #1. Keep your drive slightly to the righthand side of the fairway.... you'll end up with a clear path to the flag for your second shot all the time this way (sometimes if your drive is too far left, the flag is blocked by the sand trap)

Also the green slopes very gently to the left, so keep this in mind when trying a precise approach shot.

#2 power meter usually needs to be -slightly- over 3 bars.. exactly 3 bars lands you in the sand... adjust for stronger winds, of course.

#3 This shot is an easy birdie if you play the long way... but definitely learn to land on the little 'island' on the lefthand side of the map... Don't try it if the wind is backwards at all, over 15 mph or so.

For the second shot (once you're safely on the island), keep in mind that it's downhil on the approach... aim directly at the flag, even though it looks like the sand is in the way... power meter 3 with your driver will usually make the ball hit the rough behind the green (slowing it down) and then bounce over the sandtrap onto the green.... once i figured out I didn't have to 'dodge' the sandtrap here, I eagle much more frequently!

#4 The green slopes gently to the left, so try to land in front of the flag and to the right, to increase the likelihood of a hole-in-one (nope I still haven't had one, but have come sooooo close... soon though ;)

#5 On the drive, try to bounce the ball off the little patch of rough that sticks out, on the right side. It will slow it down enough that you wind up on the fairway for your second shot around the dog leg.

When driving up the hill towards the green on shot #2, bear in mind it's uphill and adjust your read accordingly.

#6 Easy hole, just hit the fairway on the left, and aim your approach shot to to the left of the sand trap, and roll it up to the hole... just don't shoot too hard here. If the wind is in your face, even better, you can then shoot OVER the sand trap and the ball will die on the green and not roll through.

#7 Through the trees.... there are two specific tall trees with one shorter tree in the middle... you'll see a 'notch'. Aim here, but make sure you're sure you have it right! If you mess this one up, it's out of bounds and a penalty stroke. Sometimes you can even see the flag in the gap, directly below where you're supposed to shot.

Some people prefer not to take the risk, and just play the long way... personally I don't like this, because your second shot is obstructed by trees anyway... either way this hole takes some care.

#8. Bounce the ball off the island and up the slope, DON'T try to just land it on the top of the plateau, or you'll wind up in the water, unless the wind is very favorable.... and even then, it will usually roll through if you shoot it hard enough... the ramp is your friend.

#9. Unless the wind is in your face, use the lefthand island... you can then easily iron your way to the island with the flag, in two shots to set up an eagle attempt.

Other hints:

Do the training modes for golf - you get tons of practice this way, a shot every few seconds vs. every few mins (such as the case when playing a round of golf with 3 friends)

Use the green texture map (hit '1' on the controller) when you're about to putt... when aiming your putt you can more accurately decide if you need to notch over 3 or 4 clicks, for example, vs. just having a vague idea that the green slopes left or right.

That's my game plan.. I'm sure there are probably going to be guys who figure out how systematically play various holes in a much more scientific way, but with these general guidelines I'm playing pretty well...

C :)
I have tried the shot on #7 but if the wind isn't with me I can never make the shot. Figured that out today after trying it several ways.
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Hit the '2' button on the controller when you are on the green to get a view of the green as if your are lying down parallel to the ground so you can judge the slope even better
Has anyone ever tried to hit a shot in the complete opposite direction of the tee looking for a cheat or something strange that might happen... Im going to start trying it to see what i can discover. If anyone else tries this and discovers something wierd or wonnderful let us know :)
I shoot around a -3 or -2 when I play the full 9. I find that my score will vary some with the types of winds. If you have favorable winds a lot of holes get cut a stroke easily. I don't have any tips or anything worth mentioning though.
Gratz on the score, its nice and im sure you'll get better :p I don't really play golf that much but my best is -3 when i played a friend.
I play way too much Wii Golf. So I might as well offer my insights that I've picked up...

A) The driver is your friend, and not just when you've gotta blast a long drive. There are spots when the game will stick the iron in your hand where you'll be better off with the driver if you know what you're doing. A gentle flick with the driver can solve some very tough spots. More later.

B) Know your clubs, and choose accordingly. Sometimes the iron is the best choice out of the bunker that sits next to the green; a gentle flick can get you some needed distance if the hole is out of your chipping range. A little bit goes a long way.

C) Did you end up on the fairway, only a couple of feet from the green? This might be a good time to putt. Switch to your putter, and check the distance; if it's three dots or less on the power meter, go for it. You'll need to hit it slightly harder than usual since the fairway slows the roll down. But your putter is far more accurate than your wedge. If it's a long uphill putt, you're really going to need some oomph. Try this out and you'll learn what you can do.

Now, for a few hole-specific tips:

Hole 3 - End up in the rough near the dogleg? No big deal. Use the driver, and aim for the end of the first fairway segment, and flick that shot to that second dot. As long as you stay inbounds, you have a good chance at the green on the next shot. If you hit the rough, you can still hit the green on the third shot, but hitting fairway gives you the possibility of an iron shot.

Did you end up in the rough after your second shot? Or is the iron, either due to distance or a stiff headwind, not going to get close to the hole? In either case, break out the driver again. You'll want to hit the shot a pretty good bit shorter than what the power meter indicates, since driver shots will roll for a while. If it's two dots to the pin, hit it about a dot and a third. You'll get the feel for this as you go along.

5th hole - more important that anything is to make sure you stay in the fairway on your tee shot. Three dots on the meter should ensure this, although adjust for wind. Stay out of the bunker, stay out of the rough, and you've got the chance to drive that second shot in range for an eagle putt. (Actually had than second shot hit the pin once... was *that* close to a double eagle.) But read the wind carefully, and adjust your shot power accordingly, because if you drive it strong with a strong tailwind, you could easily airmail the green and end up in the drink.

7th hole - of course supposing you played it safe and didn't try to green the tee shot through the rough... the second shot here is usually tricky. Most of the time you're going to be hitting through trees. Unless you can see clearly that you've got a big enough gap through the trees, you probably don't want to hit the iron here. The tree canopy will knock the ball down and into the rough - or out of bounds. This is a good time to make friends with your driver again. If there's a sand trap in the way, that's even better. You'll want to flick the driver through the trees (make sure you're not aimed at a tree trunk!!!!) to the green. One and a third to a half should work. Here's why the sand trap can help you here - driver shots, especailly gentle ones, are flat, and aren't as prone to plant in the sand. As long as you hit with enough power (aka something around one and a half or so) the ball will hit the sand, skim through, and roll onto the green, usually to a good spot. You'll almost always have better results than using the iron if you can master this shot.

Hole 8 - the green breaks hard left. What this means is that you'll want to hit your tee shot somewhat to the right. Be careful, though, and make sure you put the right power on the shot. You need at least three dots plus about three or four clicks above that so that you don't end up in the drink. Adjust accordingly with the wind.

Also, this hole is chip shot heaven. Since the green is short-waisted from the tee box, there's a good chance that you'll have to chip. But oftentimes the game will place the cup in a spot on the left of the green, in a valley. That means that there's a good chance you'll have a chip shot with no green break to compensate for. I've hold a lot of chip-ins on this hole. (Of course, sometimes that game sticks the cup on a hillside. Um, good luck.)

9th hole - Forget that island on the left. Go for the closest island, but aim for the spot that's closest to the island with the green. You'll see that point that juts out. That's your goal. If you hit that area, then you can hit a driver to the green. Do be careful - if you have a good tailwind, you could end up airmailing the island and going in the drink.
Here's the reason why you want to forget the left island - first of all, it's a hard shot, and you've probably ended up in the water several times trying that. Second, going to the close island gives you a strategy no matter what the wind. If there's a stiff headwind, you weren't going to hit that left island anyway. With that same stiff headwind, you won't be able to drive the second shot to the green, but you can always just drop it on the next island and go from there. Your strategy on this hole should be to play for par and to take what the course gives you. If you end up in range for a long approach to give you a shot at an eagle putt, great. But a ball in the water costs you two strokes, and one is all it takes to cost you par.

That's my 2 cents, adjusted for inflation...
Mikey10............ Just for fun I shot my drive the opposite direction on every hole.... all I got was an "out of bounds" penalty.

Shot a 7 under yesterday with an Eagle on #3 and 5 birdies.

How's your scores on the golf practice? I like the chipping practice and have gotten my score down to just over 100 feet in 10 holes :)
Thanks for the info ScottAz. Ive not found anything myself yet :) I enjoy all golf practices. Putting is the most frustrating one for me because i cant get past 9. I hit 785 on the driving practice and 34.6 m on chip and in
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My best is 4 under. I was psyched when I got that.

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but the wind is only a large factor if your swing goes into the red. Keeping it in the blue will affect is slightly, but going into the red will cause the wind to blow it way off course.