Who makes goldeneye wii videos?


Why did you keep tryna shoot the guy under the stairs? Just toss a grenade in there and be done with it.
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Because i would have got killed crouching down to throw the grenade. Also after i got killed they could have moved away from the grenade. I killed the hero by shooting, so it worked anyway.
Yeah it worked, after 2 failed attempts

Why would you need to crouch to toss a grenade?

See first image red line/arrow. Charge up your grenade for 1-2 secs and hold it. Then quickly toss it at the back underside of the stair case.

Now see the second image the grenade would have landed right in front of him and killed him. You dont need to actually crouch down and see him. He would have been dead before he even knew it, and had no time to escape.


I kill noobs like that all the time. They have no chance, that's the dumbest place to hide as a hero.

Not tryna bash you, just giving some tactical advice to make your kill counts go up rather then your death counts.

Nice video BTW, wish it was in HD though :frown5:


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This is the only way I can record. I can't get dazzle's or the hd pvr because my computer is down stairs and my wii is upstairs. So dvd recorder is the only way.
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U r level 24 right? I am a higher level than you mate. I don't think you realise how hard it is to do live commentary and play the game at the same time. You Suck isn't really constructive criticism. Also when that was recorded i had returned to playing from a month out. I had played the month before, but before that i rarely went on because i was concentrating on my exams which are more important. I don't care if I "suck" i am here to have fun.
Higher level means nothing BTW.

When I was level 25 I was kicking level 40's and up butts in this game.
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True, but "You Suck" isn't constructive criticism of the videos I produce.
Haha I love watching Goldeneye videos. Plus I love your accent. You could do commentary on paint drying and Id be entertained...

I suck at this game and I have 9 days now at 44. I don't have much online shooter experience, the last game I played was Halo on original Xbox and I was a ****ing pro but that **** is easy. This motion gaming Wiimote crap is tedious...

Anyway. You ADS too much. Took me a looooooooooooong time to stop doing that but once you get hip fire down those close quarter encounters are way one sided. Also the scope, once you get it, really helps break the ADS habit.
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  • #11
Now that is what I call constructive feedback. Yeah i do ads way toi much. I am starting to do it less now. Thanks for the feedback regarding my commentary. Much appreciated.
Our clan leader Volcarona takes some videos of his games occasionally, and me and mkfan played in this video we were on the other team though. [video=youtube;9sWVkeI1BbQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9sWVkeI1BbQ[/video]

some advice that i would give you after looking at three of your videos is to try not to follow an enemy in ads while firing and the second is that you should make better use of your grenades, I say this because i see you using both of them within ten seconds of each other most of the time. here's my code 4845-6236-5153 pm me with yours if you want to play.
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Lol, dude, levels in Goldeneye mean absolutley nothing. Honestly most 40-50+ I play are at my level or are even worse. Your level = play time, not skill.
Levels do mean something in goldeneye. It means I have a strata and you don't. Good luck to you if you run into me online.