Super Paper Mario Sub Forum?

tarheelsuperman gonna be zoppity
Dec 9, 2006
The Tarheel State
I think Super Paper Mario needs to have it's own sub forum like Zelda and Red Steel. My guess is this is going to be the 2nd most popular Wii title behind Zelda for at least a few months. So if a Mod could create that sub forum that would be great!

There were 4 posts for Super Paper Mario on the first page when I posted this under the gaming section (not counting this post.)
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Damn right, everyone on wii chat loves SPM and there is a TON of threads about SPM.
I made a post on sub-forums in general awhile ago. Red Steel is nowhere near the second most popular game, hasn't been sense launch (when we all found out it sucked)

Can't remember the reason but they can't or won't change the sub-forums right now so this thread is useless
Why remove Red Steel? Its like the 2nd most popular game for the Wii! Or at least it sold a lot as well and it seems like everyone has it. Why not just create a THIRD subforum? The game is awesome and it deserves it. Plus it will stop all these noobs from posting random threads like, "ZOMG sUpeR PApeR MaRIo is so COolZ!"

My vote is YES for a Super Paper Mario subforum.
The Red Steel subforum received very little discussion (Only ~300 threads in total) - the TP forum has ~1,300.

I've moved out the Red Steel threads into the Gaming forum in date order, so new members will be able to find info easily via search.

In the meantime the TP forum is still very active and will most likely remain for some time to come.

It is very likely new major Wii releases will get their own subforum for xx amount of time depending on popularity and activity.


(I moving this thread to SF so feel free share your thoughts.
MasterJedi2U said:
So are you saying the Red Steel one is gone? Its no problem I just wanted to know for sure.

Yea it's been removed, the threads have just been intermixed into the general gaming forum, but like i say there were only 300 or so (i put money on their being more red steel threads dotted about the whole forum then what had been made in the sub forum :p ).

TP is still going strong though!
Lol thanks for the quick response. And you're probably right regarding Red Steel. Still a great game though. I love the Multiplayer Component. Hoping whatever the next James Bond game is in the works right now is based on this.