Game servers down?

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a.k.a. SittingDuck
Sep 10, 2012
Portland, OR
Wii Online Code
Playing online in Portland, Oregon tonight at 8:00pm Pacific Time and started getting major lag in the game I was in, dropped out and ever since unable to connect to the game servers. Hearing similar reports on Gamespot and Gamefaqs boards. Anyone else unable to connect? Seems the storm hitting the east coast is the culprit.
People on gamefaqs and gamespot are crazy, you can't believe everything(actually probably most of the stuff) they say. There's probably something wrong with your Internet, and odds are you're getting the "Unable to connect to servers. Please try again later." message, so I think the best thing for you to do is to try again later. Or if you can't wait that long, then try again tomorrow. :p
People on gamefaqs and gamespot are crazy, you can't believe everything(actually probably most of the stuff) they say. There's probably something wrong with your Internet, and odds are you're getting the "Unable to connect to servers. Please try again later." message, so I think the best thing for you to do is to try again later. Or if you can't wait that long, then try again tomorrow. :p

That's a very sweeping statement lol. I happen to use faqs :(

Also, it appears that the original poster may be correct. People from USA,Germany,Australia Japan etc etc are reporting that the online function is not available. My guess would be that some pivotal online servers for this game are based east coast USA and are suffering due to good ole Sandy. It's just a guess though :)

I too am not able to go online :(
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Time to play all those lovely single player modes,

Oh wait....
Hope ths
is is just a small blip like before (it was down about a month ago for everyone for six hours). Hope it fixes when I get back home :(
Often, I will get the "Unable to connect to server. Please try again later" message a lot when I first try to connect. I will try 3,4,5, sometimes 6 or 7 times, before I finally get a "wii frz w/ a beep" and have to reboot my wii. Then it always connects on the next try after the reboot. But I think this is a unique issue related to my specific wii, and not to the servers. That said, see the following link to info posted on Activision's website 7 hrs and 43 mins. ago (credit to RSMiami on gfs for finding this)...

Duck was right! :ee5k: First time for everything! LOL :lol:
I have the same problem, I researched it ages ago and it happens when your connection is bad. In most cases it's the connection from your Wii to your home router. But if you ISP offers you a good connection speed the game still makes you host, eventhough your Wii's connection to the router is poor (I.e. everyone will lag)...
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Yeah, I've been unable to connect in the past as well and like most you I would just keep trying and eventually get through. Last night the lag became worse than I'd ever seen it prior to not being able to connect at all. What was also different is that every other time I tried to reconnect the screen would just sit on "Authenticating" and that too hadn't happened before - usually a freeze or the unable to connect message would eventually come up in the past.

Anyone know where the servers are located? I assumed they would be spread out with some on the west coast as well as east. Seems strange that one localized storm can take the network down.

Duck was right! :ee5k: First time for everything! LOL :lol:
Anyone know where the servers are located? I assumed they would be spread out with some on the west coast as well as east. Seems strange that one localized storm can take the network down.

What? I thought they were at YOUR house! :ee5k: Well...shows what I know! Perhaps with all the lag, the servers are located at Yoshi's house...

Oct. 30, 2012 @ 10:07am EST... Still unable to get further than the "Testing Connection..." screen. Servers must still be down.

"A day without Goldeneye is a day without sunshine." -PoetBondo

Oct. 30, 2012 @ 10:49am EST... "Testing Connection..." continues to be as far as we can get... and so it
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People on gamefaqs and gamespot are crazy, you can't believe everything(actually probably most of the stuff) they say. There's probably something wrong with your Internet, and odds are you're getting the "Unable to connect to servers. Please try again later." message, so I think the best thing for you to do is to try again later. Or if you can't wait that long, then try again tomorrow. :p

Right as you probably are about Gamefags... Ya look a tad dumb now, don't ya Xplo? :lol:

"A day without Goldeneye is a day without sunshine." -PoetBondo

Thank you, Thank you! *takes a bow*

Oct. 30, 2012 @ 11:19am EST...

Apparently the dark, dingy basement that Activision keeps the the Wii Goldeneye servers in along with other old useless junk they no longer use is still flooded. "Testing Connection..." still........

To Activision: Come on guys! Start up the generators! Get the hamsters running! Throw more coal into the fire! Let's get things up and running again! :thumbsup:


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Oct. 30, 2012 @ 11:19am EST...

Get the hampsters running!

Given that it's activision i would presume they use rats....big brown dirty one's :D

Also, i can't even get passed authentication least you get to test connection :arf:

EDIT: Macopride (Australia) and [RS]Enzo (New Zealand) say they were able to get online about an hour ago..... we need to go southern hemisphere lol
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