forum veteran has returned


WiiChat Member
Aug 2, 2010
i doubt many of you know me, but i was a part of these forums a long time back, i have returned to check up on this place. this place was always a great place to be, i played many matches, made friends. i have returned and may even stay again.i was here back when i knew golden ike, he was the cockiest person i knew
in fact i was here when this thread was active:
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Cant say I remember you, and I've been on since 2007, but welcome back nonetheless
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is it just because its early, or is there normally nobody here?
also i havent been on in a long time, is there a way to change my username?
Ah yes, back then when we were all playing SSBB. I remember that thread. The username sound familiar, but I'm unsure.
Can't say I remember ya (which sure as ****'s odd, since the Brawl Guru rarely forgets a fellow Brawler...), but welcome back to the forums regardless bro. =)

Hm... A cocky-ass "pro" Ike player who rocks the gold alternate costume? Nah, never heard of a complete douchebag like that. Most definitely not. And if I did, I've got this feelin' he'd be easily forgettable... :p

/trolling someone who'll never read this post
Nope, no idea who that is. He's not on my friend list or anythin' for sure, who would be friends with that jerk?

That's a perfect example of how I always forget to send friend requests, really...
Your memory is dying
I'm still salty over [STRIKE]that bastard's luck[/STRIKE] bein' such a self-destructing scrub in round 2. :lol: He really should'a took that third match, the match-up is the only thing that carried me to that laughable "win" after I got disgruntled over match 2.

God damnit I hate you, Meta...
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i would be playing matches, but i have the weird thing where my wii doesnt play duel layer discs correctly like SSBB or metroid other M, im hoping i get it fixed soon
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when i first had the problem i used a cleaning disc and it worked perfectly, now cleaning disc doesnt fiz it, also dis it cost money for them to fix and how long t=did they have it?
Its weird, everyone around me had that problem, but my disk managed to :wiitransformer: and kill me.

I havent played brawl in such a long time that I really got out of it. When the next smash bros for the wiiu comes out then I'll be back to the smash universe. I'm not sure what the next game will be called :confused5:
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i still got my skills even though i havent played in forever, i mainly use ike or snake, and still rock!
i reallly want to play SSBB, im gonna try cleaning the disc again
and the title for the new game should be original, they have just been pulling off cheap names, knowing what their doing im gonna guess super smash bros U, or SSBBU