Zelda ripping of Dark SIde of the MOON

Lord Haku

I have returned
Jul 3, 2006
Village Hidden in the Mist
Wii Online Code
Sorry Zelda fans but I have to say Links new move is like a laser rip of dark side of the moona? I mean come on he defineitly stole it from pink flyood:lol: But I want your opinion what do you have to about it, i mean The legend of Zelda games do kinda suck:lol: :lol: :lol:
:wtf: :tard: Legend of Zelda games don't suck. If anything they've improved over the years. LoZ: MM and OoT were two of the best Zelda games. They were tons of fun that keep going throughout the game. Wind Waker was fun too even though it was cell shaded just. Twilight Princess looks like it will be the best of the series especially on Wii. Fghting on horseback, Twilight worlds, fighting as wolf Link, yes even fishing looks fun with the Wiimote.
I believe that the zelda games are the best games ever created. In nintendos top 200 games ever made to date, Orcarina was number one and even beat out resident evil four. Zelda games ROCK!
I think zelda is a great game but in my opinion mario games are better than zelda... i like to play mario games more than the zelda ones
Lord Haku said:
Sorry Zelda fans but I have to say Links new move is like a laser rip of dark side of the moona? I mean come on he defineitly stole it from pink flyood:lol: But I want your opinion what do you have to about it, i mean The legend of Zelda games do kinda suck:lol: :lol: :lol:

what new move are you talking about?
pink floyd?? i think it's ok u say this.. eh .. things but, yes have u played through the whole ocarina of time? i can't stnad killing myself in the water temple but exept that i looove that game. seriesly ?? duude...
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Well guys I will confess,I was of course joking I love Zelda games and could care less about Dark Side of the Moon just wanted to see how you would repond lol:
clouds omni slash is what it reminded me of when i first saw it too. I didnt think of pink floyd until this was posted. both are really simialiar.

but i'd have to say that nintendo totally ripped off of ff7/advent children when it comes to that attack.
i think the only downside of the zelda games is the sometimes depressing background music, that's one of the reasons i couldn't really get into the feel of the game
when TP comes out i will just make a big music playlist of my favourite songs put the volume up full and put it on repeat
Man you scared me for a moment there! Phew! I thought that I was going to have to flame you and get myself banned (getting banned within the first two days of joining up to a website would be a record for me:lol: ):lol: . I'm not joking I probably would as I am quite a big Zelda fan. I own and have completed all the Zelda games numerous times and love everything about them. Even the smallest negative comment can set me off.

P.S: Yes, I'm a huge Zelda fanboy:rolleyes: (God I hate that word).

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